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X10 not working again.
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Post 1 made on Saturday May 26, 2012 at 20:07
paul addy
Long Time Member
December 2005
I have a bank of marmitek LD11 dimmers directly wired/linked to various lighting through out the home, they are controlled via Rf on my Phillips RU990 programmed through my pc, only the X10 B codes are used as I cannot get A or C to work for some reason.
Now the reason for my post, it has just decided not to work properly, I thought it was my TM13 so I bought a new one, reloaded my configuration to the RU990, now when I turn on a light with the RU990 it could be 2 or 3 minutes before the light activates and that's only after I have pressed the button several times or so, none of the timers I have set up on the remote work and now I am getting frustrated because I can't figure out the problem, please could someone help or point me in the direction of help as I can see not much happens on this section of the forum.

Kind regards

Post 2 made on Friday June 1, 2012 at 02:53
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
I wish I could help. One day a few years ago, all X-10 in my basement decided it would no longer work. I replaced switches, controllers, and nothing helped. I figure there was enough noise on the line to prevent it working, but the odd part is another X-10 light upstairs continues to work fine to this day.

In the end, I gave up and switched to URC/Lutron switches.
Post 3 made on Friday June 22, 2012 at 12:14
Todd Danger
Lurking Member
October 2011
Do you have means to look at the timing? "2-3 mins" for an action... "Timers (Timed Events, I presume) not working.
Thats where I go after sniffing out the basics.

Todd D

On May 26, 2012 at 20:07, paul addy said...
I have a bank of marmitek LD11 dimmers directly wired/linked to various lighting through out the home, they are controlled via Rf on my Phillips RU990 programmed through my pc, only the X10 B codes are used as I cannot get A or C to work for some reason.
Now the reason for my post, it has just decided not to work properly, I thought it was my TM13 so I bought a new one, reloaded my configuration to the RU990, now when I turn on a light with the RU990 it could be 2 or 3 minutes before the light activates and that's only after I have pressed the button several times or so, none of the timers I have set up on the remote work and now I am getting frustrated because I can't figure out the problem, please could someone help or point me in the direction of help as I can see not much happens on this section of the forum.

Kind regards


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