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Lutron URC Dimmer Issues
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Post 1 made on Tuesday April 19, 2011 at 20:58
Lurking Member
February 2010
So a few months back I purchased a MRFA-600M-URC-WH dimmer from my local dealer and now I've gotten to finally finishing my room and installing it and it won't learn my MX900's lighting address. Ive followed the instructions and the dummer switch simply will not learn the remotes lighting address. Ive called my dealer but his install guy is on vacation and then has a rather long list of clients to see once he's back. So does anyone else had similar issues with their dimmer switch?
Post 2 made on Saturday April 30, 2011 at 09:22
Super Member
December 2007
I've never had any problems programming them, but then again I'm a dealer that has taken the time to attend the trainings involved. These products are not designed for the DIYers in mind.
"You can't fix stupid."

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