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command failed function on the Pronto remote
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 9, 2011 at 12:30
Lurking Member
January 2011
Every time the pronto remote stays idle for some time, it comes up with 'command failed' message before we can change the channel or use the volume or in fact use any function. It feels as if it goes to sleep for some time before you wake them up. does anyone have an answer for this, my AV guy says it is to do with the internet connection, which somehow i don't believe.
Post 2 made on Sunday January 9, 2011 at 23:18
Senior Member
April 2008
On January 9, 2011 at 12:30, sas63 said...
Every time the pronto remote stays idle for some time, it comes up with 'command failed' message before we can change the channel or use the volume or in fact use any function. It feels as if it goes to sleep for some time before you wake them up. does anyone have an answer for this, my AV guy says it is to do with the internet connection, which somehow i don't believe.

hi you have posted this in the wrong place, needs tobe in the Pronto Professional section.

But your problem wil be out of Date firmware , please update the TSU and RFX, you can find the Firmware here [Link:]
Pronto still one of the best Wi-Fi Remotes, and [Link:] Axium Control

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