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Powermid multiple xmitters with one receiver
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Post 1 made on Monday October 26, 2009 at 17:17
Long Time Member
October 2009
We currently have one Powermid receiver (model RE549) in the living room which controls all of our IR devices. The Powermid transmitter (model ST539) is in the dining room. I would like to add a second transmitter in the bedroom to control the DVD recorder in the living room.

1. Can two ST539 transmitters control one receiver?
IOW, is the RF transmitted only when the red led in the transmitter is blinking?

2. If item-1 is true, does anyone know if Powermid sells ST539 transmitters separately?

Any gotchas with my plan?

Post 2 made on Monday October 26, 2009 at 18:56
Elite Member
April 2002
Yes, you can have multiple transmitters communicating with a single receiver.

How about skipping the extra transmitter, and getting URC RF remote like one the following: RF10, RF20 or RF30. They will communicate directly with your powermid receiver, no more pointing.

check out for the RFS100, its the RF10 remote and mrf100b basestation, price $40.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday October 26, 2009 at 19:50
Long Time Member
October 2009
On October 26, 2009 at 18:56, edmund said...
Yes, you can have multiple transmitters communicating with a single receiver.

How about skipping the extra transmitter, and getting URC RF remote like one the following: RF10, RF20 or RF30. They will communicate directly with your powermid receiver, no more pointing.

check out for the RFS100, its the RF10 remote and mrf100b basestation, price $40.

Hi Edmund,

Thanks for your help. I checked out the RF10 remote and the layout is not to my liking. It does not have DVD playback buttons grouped together. It would be especially difficult for my wife to use who is remote challenged.

I'll buy a second Powermid transmitter since it will work.

Thanks a lot for you info!

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