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Help Adding an XPT/XP4D Transmitter Switch (Attn: Larry Fine)
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 17, 2004 at 20:55
Long Time Member
January 2003
I have a normal wall switch that controls half of a duplex outlet in my living room. The workbox contains three sets of NM wires: (A),(B),(C). Wire (A) has red/black/white/ground and wires (B) and (C) have only black/white/ground. The red(A) wire is attached to the top of the switch. All black wires go to a wire nut which has a tail to the bottom of the switch. All the white wires go to a wirenut.

I purchased an XPT transmitter base and am planning to change the single gang box to a dual gang box. I want to leave the original switch doing its original function, but want to take the incoming wires and use them to connect the new XPT transmitter. I presume I will just need to connect the black wirenut to the HOT on the new XPT and the white wirenut to the NEUTRAL and I'll be set. Right?

Thanks for any advice. My order will arrive on Thursday and I would like to be able to install it then.

Post 2 made on Tuesday February 17, 2004 at 21:34
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
On 02/17/04 20:55, mhe4 said...
I presume I will just need to connect the black
wirenut to the HOT on the new XPT and the white
wirenut to the NEUTRAL and I'll be set. Right?

Correctamundo! Transmitters get connected like a (non-switched) receptacle - hot and neutral.

If you don't really want to replace the box, then ignore the red wire at both ends, and replace the receptacle with an X-10 receptacle (or use a plug-in module).
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday February 17, 2004 at 22:51
Long Time Member
January 2003
Thank you, Larry.

I'm adding the transmitter because I was told I can't dim an outlet directly. There is currently a lamp plugged into the switched outlet, but that will move to a nonswitched outlet with a LampLinc module. There is also another lamp in the room on a non-switched outlet getting another LampLinc. The XPT/XP4D allows me 3 buttons (to control 2 lamp modules and 1 scene) plus dimming at the switch. I also ordered an IR543 to throw into the system.

I guess I could just replace the old switch with the transmitter (in the single gang box) and put a new duplex standard outlet at the other end with the connecting tab still in place. I just don't want to "break" anything in case I want to put it back the way it was. :)
Post 4 made on Wednesday February 18, 2004 at 10:15
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
Mark, in that case, you don't even need to mess with the existing split receptacle; just add the red wire to the blacks at the switch.

OP | Post 5 made on Wednesday February 18, 2004 at 10:25
Long Time Member
January 2003
Brilliant. That makes it even easier. Again, thank you.


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