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X10 Outside and temp question.
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Post 1 made on Monday February 16, 2004 at 22:24
Long Time Member
January 2003
I currently control low voltage lights, pond lights, etc with X10 that is housed in my basement. I am planning my spring projects and would like to move the X10 gear outside. Any problem using the appliance/lamp modules in an area that would be protected from direct weather but still subject to temperature and humidity?

Also, considering using a temperature probe to activate the waterfall pump. I control via Ocelot. Anyone doing anything like this?
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 17, 2004 at 02:52
Long Time Member
February 2003
i used a 3-prong appliance module to control my fountain at my previous home. i had a domed cover over the AC outlet and plugged the module into the outlet. the cover did not close all the way with the module but it lasted 2 years until i moved. i took the module with me and it's still in use today. it was exposed to blistering heat and snappy cold (calif. central valley)

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