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Help with the CodeGen Application
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Post 1 made on Friday February 6, 2004 at 08:42
Matthias Gerlach
Founding Member
August 2001

my name is Matthias and I’m coming from Germany. I want to control my Lamp-Modules with the Pronto Pro NG SBC-RU 980 (the EU Version of the TSU7000). I know this is a X10-Forum but I hope somebody can help me. At the moment I have a Power Control System from Philips (called SBC SK 310). I downloaded the CodeGen Application. On the left side (Target) I put in “Pronto” and on the right side (Codeset) I have the possibility to put in “Philips SBC”. Does anybody know if I generate with this attitude the correct Codes for using my Power Control System from Philips ? How I can copy the generated code into the ProntoPro Edit NG ? Is there anybody who can tell me step by step the way to do that ? And what about the RF-Settings ? The EU-Version of the new Prontos can send 433,92 MHz RF (so it's possible to control the Power Control System with the Pronto without using an IR to RF converter) but I think I have to change the RF-Settings from IR enabled to RF enabled. My English is not perfect but I hope you understand what I mean. Please help me !

With greetings from Germany

Matthias Gerlach

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