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TSU3000 to TSU6000 and X-10
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 25, 2004 at 15:08
Founding Member
March 2002
I recently upgraded from the Pronto TSU3000 to the Pronto TSU6000. I have numerous scene macros setup for all 16 House-code A devices. All these scenes worked perfectly with the TSU3000, but now don't always work with the TSU6000. I can still control each individually, but the macros don't always complete correctly. Also, I have a Monster Power 5100 and the "all-off" function doesn't always shut off the two lights that are on the same circuit as the power center.

Is there a difference in ir strength between these two remotes (are all signals getting through)? Should I have to "delay" the macro longer for each device to respond? What if I "double-up" commands without delays? Would a coupler/filter eliminate the issue all together?

I have:
Smarthome 4040 ir-rf
Numerous 2 and 3-way Radio Shack wall switches
2 Switchlinks in Home Theater

I live in a single-family home and do not have any filters / couplers in my system. My neighbor also uses X-10, but he uses house-code D so we don't interfere with each other. I'm also looking at expanding the system to house code B for more capability, so if I should add a filter/coupler anyway I will.

Thanks for the help.

Post 2 made on Sunday January 25, 2004 at 18:14
Larry in TN
Founding Member
July 2001
Try adding a long (maybe 1 second) delay between each action in the misbehaving macros. If that fixes the problem then you can start reducing the delay to find the smallest delay that provides stable operation.

BTW, what are you doing with your old 3000?

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