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Pronto NG and X-10 through RF
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 13, 2003 at 11:29
Lurking Member
December 2003

I'm new to all this and have just purchased a RU950 (Euro version of TSU3000). Before setting up my device I downloaded some very good samples from this site. I have X-10 in my house and an RF remote for it. On some of the samples I downloaded I was able to do an 'All Lights On' and 'All Units Off' commands through the RF from the Pronto to my X-10 RF receiver.

(I was not aware it could do this as I thought I would have to purchase an IR to X-10 interface module.) My initial joy, has turned to disappointment as I have been unable to do any other commands e.g. A1 on etc. and can find no information on this.

Is this possible through RF? If so, how can I get the HEX codes into my configuration? (I assume certain HEX codes tell the pronto to send out RF signals rather than IR?)

Any help would be appreciated?


Post 2 made on Friday January 9, 2004 at 10:02
Founding Member
September 2001
never thought you could do that but if you get it to work let me know. I am using a rf to ir to x10 system now.
Post 3 made on Friday January 9, 2004 at 17:09
Founding Member
January 2002
I have always read it can't be done. But, I'm really not sure. I'd love to be able to control mine via RF as well.
Post 4 made on Saturday January 10, 2004 at 23:12
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
As far as I know it should all work (NOTE: ONLY FOR USERS WITH THE EUROPEAN PRONTO AND EUROPEAN X-10 RF RECEIVERS)... however, the user who created the program that created the hex codes you need (CodeGen) recently took the program down and also requested that the one file that had a complete listing of those codes be removed. But if you look around, you should still be able to find the program on the net.
Post 5 made on Monday January 19, 2004 at 07:06
Long Time Member
January 2004
I am in the same boat. I can turn all on or off but that is it. I have not had any luck finding Codegen. I would like to know how you went.
Post 6 made on Tuesday January 20, 2004 at 13:05
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
CodeGen™ is now available in the "Files" area at:

If you have a European version of the TSU3000 or TSU6000 you should be able to send the codes as RF. X-10 Europe uses the same frequency (433.92MHz) as the Pronto does.

If you have an IR only Pronto, you can still control X-10 via RF with the CodeGen™ codes but you will need the IR-to-RF half of the Powermid made by X-10. It receives IR and repeats it as 433.92MHz RF which the X-10 TM13, etc. use.

Note that the extended dim and preset dim codes only work with the BX24-AHT or with an X-10 MR26 which has been modified by replacing the PIC. ( has the PICs.)

In N. America X-10 uses 310MHz RF while Prontos and Powermids use 418MHz so things are not so easy. You can build an IR2RF converter or even modify the Pronto (including IR only models) to send 310MHz RF. See the Application Notes area at the link given above and...

Post 7 made on Wednesday January 21, 2004 at 07:02
Long Time Member
January 2004
Thanks Dave and all for your help. It now works.

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