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X-10 Problem (please help!!)
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Post 1 made on Friday May 28, 1999 at 21:38
Historic Forum Post
This is a strange problem that doesn't seem to make much sense to me... Hopefully it will to someone else. I have a couple lamps hooked up to X-10 lamp modules, and I have been using a Palm Pad remote to control them. It has worked fine from the time I got it until a few days ago, and now it will only work if I am right next to the tranceiver module (within a few inches!). I am almost sure it has something to do with the Palm Pad, because I have a computer interface which works from the same distance from the transceiver. I have tried all the obvious stuff (new batteries, reseting house and unit codes, etc.), but nothing has worked so far. Any suggestions? Thanks!
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday May 29, 1999 at 01:35
Historic Forum Post
This does not sound like you have a problem with your X-10 transceiver. I would suspect the Palm Pad IR strength. One way to test the IR transceiver is to use another IR remote control that has the X-10 IR command set. Many preprogrammed universal remote controls have this command set built into the firmware of the remote. If another remote works well with the transceiver, then the transceiver is most likely fine.

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