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Activehome macro files?
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Post 1 made on Thursday September 9, 1999 at 21:53
Historic Forum Post
Does anyone have experience replacing the software generated macro files with custom written ones? What I'd like to do is have a macro that would slowly brighten a group of lights over, say, about 10 seconds. The standard macro only allows delays of a full minute. I would like to use much smaller delays -- say one half to one second between increments.

Doable? Anyone tried it?

Any advise appreciated...

OP | Post 2 made on Friday September 10, 1999 at 17:14
Roland S
Historic Forum Post
Activehome isn't capable of it. I'm not sure if any other 3rd party software can do it or not.

But I do know that some of the higher end switches (e.g. Leviton) do have soft start (i.e. when turned on, it brightens up to 100% over 2-3 seconds) and fade off features. In addition, these also have resume dim (i.e. if you turned it off when it was 50%, it will be at 50% when you turn it on). You will definitely pay a premium for these though -- from $35 to $90 per wall switch.

OP | Post 3 made on Saturday September 11, 1999 at 02:46
Robert (RCI Automation)
Historic Forum Post

What you are asking about is definitely "doable" with the right type of switches. PCS switches can be programmed with different "ramp rates" from instant up to 13 minutes. Each switch can remember up to 16 different "ramp rates" and 16 different dim levels. For example, you could program 10 PCS switches in your home to turn on with one X-10 command. They could ramp up at the same rates or at different rates, and they could go to precisely the brightness level you want. The only hardware needed for this is an X-10 transmitter, PCS switches, and possibly some help in programming the switches for these lighting scenes. By the way, Leviton switches do not allow the ramp rates to be changed (default is 2-3 seconds).

We are an authorized PCS product dealer and can help you select the right switch and provide you with the technical support to get the results you want. We have helped other Remote Central people set up lighting scenes with PCS switches.

RCI Automation
[email protected]

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