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New 3 & 4 Series In-wall / Handheld Spectre UX Demo for RTI
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Post 1 made on Friday September 15, 2023 at 10:28
Senior Member
June 2004
Hello All,

I just added a new demo file for the Spectre UX templates, but this one is for the 3 & 4 Series handhelds and in-walls. You can load the included project files as-is to the various touch panels / remotes and no processor is needed afterwards.

As with the iPad, they are non-editable, but will give you a nice view of some of the included pages. You can also use them to show remotes to prospective clients as a sales tool.

You can download it here, it's at the very top of the page, and the iPad demo link is right below: [Link:]

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