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New free add-on available. Not Connected layer / auto hide layer for RTiPanel.
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Post 1 made on Saturday April 22, 2023 at 09:57
Senior Member
June 2004
First, a shout out to Matt Joyce, who gave me the idea to resurrect an old ID9 file for use with ID11 using layers. Mobile devices using RTiPanel can take several seconds to connect, causing your client to think something is wrong commands / macros will not work until connection is reached.

My old file used a flag, and you had to paste all the graphics to the top of every page, then "hide buttons with visibility joins" to keep working. You also had to keep moving them to the top of the page if you added additional graphics. It was sort of clunky, so I shelved it as a free download.

Matt did the same thing using one shared layer and the "Not Connected" variable, which accomplished the same thing, but in a much better way.

I created a file that is universal, so you can use it with my available templates, such as Aleera / Spectre, but also with your own designs or the stock Coral templates.
The project file contains iPad, iPhone 8, and iPhone X resolutions, but you can easily adapt it to Android if needed.

You can grab it on the downloads page at my website: [Link:]

Have a great weekend and enjoy.



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