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Nothing Works
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 13:32
Historic Forum Post
Got my T2 yesterday, set everything up in the Library, created and assigned my buttons, added a few bitmaps, downloaded it, and all I got was the touchscreen with bitmaps that allow me to go from page to page, but not one of my codes works. So I relearned a few codes from the remotes instead of using a file, capture said it worked, download said it worked, no go.....changed some freq's around a little, nothing...What am I missing?
OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 16:30
Historic Forum Post
Do you have set to RF mode?
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 17:33
Historic Forum Post
Yes, unless there is somewhere other than "Edit Remote Properties" that I need to set it......
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 18:43
Daniel (Gadget)
Historic Forum Post
Just a thought...if your system is actually using Infrared then Radio Frequency will be broadcasting all wrong.
OP | Post 5 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 18:48
Historic Forum Post
worded wrong, it is set to IR not RF.
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 19:05
Michael Silver
Historic Forum Post
Try this test: choose one command (like play) and assign it to a button, then open the command and override the default and choose IR (I'm assuming you're not using the RF-6).

To set to IR, right-click on the play button and choose Edit Properties.... Then choose the Output tab, and for Output Type select IR.

Another thing: if that doesn't work, try setting the Min. Repeats on the Infrared tab to 5.

[email protected]
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 21:13
Bill E
Historic Forum Post
It is not impossible that the IR output is just plain dead. I have seen enough problems that I have taken to performing a quick test on the IR output prior to shipping to make sure that they function before they leave here. Just a thought before you drive yourself crazy with the programming, the software is so good that it is fairly hard to mess up.

OP | Post 8 made on Wednesday February 7, 2001 at 22:27
Historic Forum Post
I agree the software is very straighforward, I was a programmer analyst for over 15 years, that's why I am feeling pretty dense right now.......still can't even one code to work on anything........even using the test feature in Edit IR after a successfull (apparent) learn......
OP | Post 9 made on Thursday February 8, 2001 at 00:09
mike myers
Historic Forum Post
There is a bad batch of T2's with no ir output. We have seen 4 of the last 6 this way.
OP | Post 10 made on Thursday February 8, 2001 at 14:05
Historic Forum Post
Any idea how to tell if mine is that way - I am getting ready to return it.........
OP | Post 11 made on Friday February 9, 2001 at 01:14
Bill E.
Historic Forum Post

What I have done for this problem is asked customers to e-mail me their program and had a quick look at it. If nothing appears wrong I send them out a replacement and they ship theirs back. RTI has never giving me even the slightest problem with warrantee. They are out to create happy customers and dealers, and work hard to keep it that way. Contact your dealer!

OP | Post 12 made on Friday February 9, 2001 at 16:00
Historic Forum Post
Thanks for all your help, it was a bad remote, exchanged it, downloaded and all is well...............

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