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Need some help with IRScrutinizer
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Post 1 made on Friday January 14, 2022 at 09:22
Lurking Member
March 2017
Back in 2017 I used IRScrutinizer to generate some IR codes (link). I just started to work on the project again but dont remember how I did a few things. I modified the protocol.ini and see how to generate 1 code at a time. What I want to do is to generate all 256 codes but dont see or remember how to do this.

After I generate all the codes is there a way to export them all to a ccf for testing. I think Export as Pronto classic, Export generated might do the trick

I also have a text file from years back with the data in a format like this that I think was when I generated all codes. Is there a way to re-import that data and then to auto build another test ccf?

Device Code: 134 Function: 0
0000 006C 0000 000C 0027 0016 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0038 0016 002D 0016 01D9
Device Code: 134 Function: 1
0000 006C 0000 000C 0027 0016 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 0038 0016 0038 0016 01C3

Post 2 made on Friday January 14, 2022 at 11:58
Long Time Member
August 2013
Not sure exactly what you are asking for, but let's try:

1. Identify the signals you want to generate.

2. Go to the "Render" (previously called "Generate") pane, select the requested protocol, fill in the parameters, except for F; enter a * (asterix) for F.

3. Go to the "Export" panel. Select an export format, for example ProntoClassic. Press "Export generated", and you will get an *.ccf file that ProntoEdit will read. Or select the export format "Text", check the "Pronto Hex" checkbox, and press "Export generated".
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday January 15, 2022 at 10:13
Lurking Member
March 2017
That was exactly what I was trying to do.
Thank you

I can't figure out the last part of my question though.

I have a text file (no idea where I got it) and it has 256 codes which are similar but don't match the generated ones exactly . I want to convert them to a test ccf as well

So I'm trying to import them. I tried both raw & raw, line based. I would suspect if I then go to "scrutinize remote" I should see a complete table. After trying several option I can get it to import 256 signals but protocol, d, s, f, etc is empty.

text file looks like:

Device Code: 134 Function: 0
0000 006C 0000 000C 0027 0016 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0038 0016 002D 0016 01D9
Device Code: 134 Function: 1
0000 006C 0000 000C 0027 0016 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 002D 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0017 0016 0022 0016 0038 0016 0038 0016 01C3
Post 4 made on Sunday January 16, 2022 at 06:40
Long Time Member
August 2013
So I looked into your previous thread, which considers Xiaomi decodes. (Since that thread, Xiaomi has been incorporated into IrScrutinizer.) So why do your decodes do not decode as Xiaomi? Turns out that the frequency is slightly wrong. (You can set the frequency tolerance in IrScrutinizer with Options -> Protocol Parameters -> Frequency tolerance; if you set it to 3000, the signals will decode.)

So select "Xiaomi" as protocol, 134 as D, * as F, and you should be set.

Assuming that your captures really are true, and you believe in its frequency measurement, you may like to change the second number of the generated signals from "0073" to "006C".
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 10:12
Lurking Member
March 2017
Yep. Thank you for your help.

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