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Does anyone know what remote this is? and will it work for me..
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 20:49
Lurking Member
April 2007
I had thought this remote was a Philips PHDVR8L but after looking at the description and picture it definately is a different version. I tried to find it on google but had no luck. Here's the ad:

It says it's a 7-in-1 universal rf remote. What I wanted to know was if it has JP1. The employee at XScargo didnt know and if I buy it and open it up I wont be able to return it if I dont want it.

Or perhaps there's a different remote someone can recommend? The two main features I wanted in a remote was JP1 and RF would be really good too. I have a Viewsat Ultra Satellite receiver so I wont be able to find the remote code for it on any universal remote. If I had JP1 then I can just make it learn all the buttons in the right places.
Also I have only 1 receiver which is downstairs in my livingroom.. but its also hooked up to the tv upstairs at the same time. To change the channel when I'm upstairs I have to go downstairs which is annoying. If I can use RF that would make it sooooo much easier as long as its powerful enough to go up to the second floor.

Any Ideas?
Post 2 made on Friday April 20, 2007 at 15:01
The Robman
Loyal Member
August 2001
That remote looks like several other Philips remotes, and a Radio Shack remote that's a clone of the Philips line, so I can pretty much guarantee you that it's not a JP1 remote.

If you want IR and RF in a JP1 remote, get a One For All URC-9910.

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