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My RC 9088i refuse to go into sleep mode
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 11, 2007 at 01:07
Lurking Member
February 2007

After two or three resets, i finally managed to install the new version of the MCC (2.00.80) which is suitable to my version of RC 9800I.
Il took care of frozen screen syndrom but has semmed to create a weird new bug.
My telco does not want to go in sleep mode or turn backlighting off regardless of the timing settings i enterered.
It glows firmly on its base or until the battrey runs out.

I'm searching for a way out different thant a "start it all from scracth again procedure"

Thanks for your advices.
Une brute qui marche va plus loin qu'un intellectuel assis. (M. Audiard)

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