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button layout
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Post 1 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 08:32
Lurking Member
January 2007
The photos that I have seen of this remote dont seem to show me if you can change the button layout, is it possible to create a new button configuration so that you can make it similar to that of the origina remote.
Can you change the layout to have say a central circular button with maybe directional one around the outside, similar to the hard buttons on the side, but with the discription of the button marked on it ???
Post 2 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 11:22
De Pampi
Long Time Member
November 2005
Unfortunately, this is not possible. The layouts are fixed and resulting from the type of activity. This results sometimes in screens with unused buttons.

If you're into full customization see (the expensive) Philips pronto line or NevoSL. These are however "installer" remotes where you're not only buying a remote but also the service and installation of it (means expensive).


De Pampi
Post 3 made on Wednesday January 31, 2007 at 17:27
Founding Member
April 2002
On January 29, 2007 at 11:22, De Pampi said...
If you're into full customization see (the expensive)
Philips pronto line or NevoSL. These are however "installer"
remotes where you're not only buying a remote but also
the service and installation of it (means expensive).

For some people, perhaps. However, if you know anything about programming you can come up to speed on the Pronto series pretty quickly.

IMHO, the full customization the Prontos allow makes the learning curve worthwhile. However, if this isn't for you, try the new Logitech Harmony 1000. While not cheap, these appear to be what the RC9800i should have been.

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