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Worst Remote Ever Made
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Post 1 made on Friday January 19, 2007 at 01:17
Lurking Member
January 2007
My remote is brand new, spent 10-15 hours programing it got it to work with everything, (I have alot of stuff including lighting) Give it to the wife fully charged and ready to go. She says 'Oh what a cool remote how does it work ' I say 'click on watch' and it dies. Never a single problem programing it over and over except for using it:

User keys are not included with the activity you are doing. So if you click on watch and expect to have the custom keys to be within the multi-pages of your cable box you would be wrong. You have to back out of the activity 2 screens and into a control individual devices screen a whopping 5 screens later to get to your little user keys stuck way at the back of the screen list then get back into the activity so you can use the hard buttons to mute or change the channels. Hello McFly !!

Doesn't hold the time correctly which influences the only good feature about this doorstop remote in that it wont load the EPG until you go in and reset all the time features over and over and over. I have a two dollar beeper that holds time better.

Hard keys do not work while it sits on the dock. Instead you have to take it off the dock to mute and unmute what a pain in the a$$.

Screen arbitrarily turns on and stays on in the middle of the night, makes a great night light tho real tough to use by the bedside table during sleeping hours and turns off when you touch the screen with the lightest of touches. And then locks up when you next use it and have to flick the power button off/on and let it reboot itself again. Ironically I still have all my other remotes still on the coffee table so it didnt even make it that far as to get rid of the pile of remotes.

Remote sits there and beeps an error tone when the TV is muted for no reason every ten or fifteen seconds. Curiously annoying.

There is a time delay in the beep from pressing the hard keys to the time of the execution. ie: I can hit the mute button and have it sit on the couch by the time the hard button makes the correct tone for code sent.

You can judge a product by two ways generally, by the amount of complaints of others more experienced than yourself with the product and the amount of support from the manufacturer for the product. Complaints are severely high and support is nowhere to be seen for this consumer product.

I have only had this remote for a week or so and think it would make a better doorstop. My remote like so many many others on this site is going up for sale on eBay sooner than later.

If you are looking to buy one of theese remotes do this: Put the box down and walk away - I'm sorry - RUN away !!
Post 2 made on Friday January 19, 2007 at 13:19
Lurking Member
January 2007
I'll second that........Philips are you listening? Yeah right!
Post 3 made on Friday January 19, 2007 at 19:30
Lurking Member
January 2007
i will third that!!!!!!! wow and i thought i was lossing it omg what a peice of garbage
, im glad i wasnt the only sucker to fall for the so called dream remote , i think that between my list of things wrong & yy2wry we covered enough im sure if i had it any longer and was not able to return it i would of ran over it with my truck to save someone else the headache , if someone gives it to you for free do not take it ! run the other way !!!
Post 4 made on Saturday January 20, 2007 at 19:21
mustang wally
Lurking Member
December 2006
anyone interested in shipping their remote to me? i will pay for shipping!!!
Post 5 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 22:24
Lurking Member
January 2007
I agree...just returned mine after continually getting %&$@%$! splash screen...often while in middle of adding device!!!

And this was AFTER flashing to latest firmware.

Too $200 this thing could be quite sweet for upnp capabilities and wifi. done screwed up!!!!
Post 6 made on Wednesday January 24, 2007 at 09:17
De Pampi
Long Time Member
November 2005
Just curious,

Are you using MythTV 0.20


De Pampi

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