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TSU9400 no longer works after upgrade to XBOX ONE
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 26, 2015 at 16:53
Lurking Member
April 2015
I upgraded my XBOX 360 to an XBOX ONE yesterday and everything's great except that I can't find the IR sensor on the outside of the XBOX ONE console - so I can't use my Philips Pronto TSU9400 to interact with the XBOX ONE.

Does anyone know where the IR sensor is located -- or how to configure the TSU9400 for the XBOX ONE gaming / entertainment console? For example do I need to purchase another accessory that plug into the XBOX ONE CONSOLE?
P.S. - I did NOT purchase a new KINECT with this new XBOX ONE system -- so hopefully it's not a requirement for use of the TSU 9400.


[What's the point of even having a universal remote if I have to pick up an XBOX ONE 'controller' every time I want to stream a service like Amazon Prime Video or use the XBOX ONE gaming console as an entertainment service. Beyond that ... even when you do use the controller you still have to pick up the remote to mute the audio or turn the volume up/down.

Please help!

Universally spoiled,

Kevin J. Alexander
Post 2 made on Monday April 27, 2015 at 22:41
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
A quick yahoo search for:

XBox one ir sensor location yielded this.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday May 31, 2015 at 14:34
Lurking Member
April 2015
Thank you. Unfortunately, even though I now know where the sensor is located -- the XB1 console does not work with the Pronto TSU 9400 URC. Pronto Support offers no solution. They just say that XB1 won't work with the XB1 console. Just like that. I now am the proud owner of an expensive, high-end 'universal' remote control that does not work universally with one of today's most popular electronic devices.
Kevin J. Alexander
Post 4 made on Monday June 1, 2015 at 05:39
Senior Member
April 2008
by the way your posting in the wrong section, should have been Pronto professional.

If you can capture the IR code it should work fine , can you post a hex code you have captured.

you could try these

Power On:

0000 006D 0022 0002 0157 00AC 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0689 0157 0056 0015 0E94

Power Off:

0000 006D 0022 0002 0157 00AC 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0016 0015 0041 0015 0041 0015 0689 0157 0056 0015 0E94

Pronto still one of the best Wi-Fi Remotes, and [Link:] Axium Control
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday June 2, 2015 at 15:23
Lurking Member
April 2015
Thanks for the tip(s) GoPronto. I'll give it a shot and get back to this thread in the near future.
Kevin J. Alexander
Post 6 made on Friday October 23, 2015 at 02:23
Lurking Member
August 2015
To control X One via ir remote You need kinect 2.0 or ir blaster...
Source: [Link:]

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