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Post 1 made on Thursday February 13, 2003 at 09:49
Alex Sandoval
Lurking Member
February 2003
I just purchased a Pronto TSU3000 and the first I encountered was that the remote's code database did not have the IR codes for my Sony components. Has anyone experienced this problem?

Also, where can I get pcf files for my pronto remote control. I'm looking for cool bitmaps that I can use instead of the boring ones that are stored in the pronto.
Post 2 made on Thursday February 13, 2003 at 10:02
Founding Member
August 2001
You can always learn your IR codes into the Pronto for your Sony Devices. Also check out the discrete codes section in the Files section.

The best way to get "Cool Bitmaps" is to design them yourself. You can also get get them from other peoples CCF files in the file section. You would want to use the color CFF's because they have 256 shades of color that the Pronto will turn into 16 shades of grey. If you use the B/W CFF's you will only be getting 4 shades of grey and they just aren't near as "COOL".

I have a PCF with all the buttons I have designed for the 3000, a completed PCF for ideas, and also a Word document that tells "How I make a Button". If you would like a copy of any of these send me an email.

[email protected]

PS.. I've been getting a lot of request for these files and a lot of them are comming back as undeliverable because of not enought room in the mailbox. The PCF files are over 700K and the "How to make a button" over 1.5meg. Please make room in your mailbox if you request these.

This message was edited by Archer on 02/13/03 14:21.
Jack of all trades..
Master of None
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday February 13, 2003 at 14:03
Alex Sandoval
Lurking Member
February 2003
Thank you for the response. I guess I have to learn the codes into my remote. Can you send me the files that you have. Thank you.

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