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PENG problems..
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 01:37
Nicholas Poore
Founding Member
December 2001
Hmm, well I just sat down to program my brand new TSU3000 tonight.
I've owned an RC5200 in the past, so I didn't think I'd have much trouble...

The first problem was basic stuff like Video codes missing in the built in database. (ie It has TV/Video code, but not Video1, Video2, Video3, etc.)

No problem I thought, I'll just enter the code myself - they are all up there on remote central.

Problem - even though I'm in adanced mode, I cannot figure out how to enter an IR code. Well, I can TYPE it in, but it will not let me past the code from the clipboard. I'm not about to type all these codes, that would be silly.

Anyone else have some ideas about this?

I went to put some UP ARROW logos on buttons, but every time I do that, it adds the DTS logo in front of it. The DTS logo then has to be deleted.

Also, the button properties screen needs an OK button. It is just wrong to have to hit the X every time to save your changes.

And all this after just an hour.
Post 2 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 06:16
Long Time Member
December 2002
Problem - even though I'm in adanced mode, I cannot
figure out how to enter an IR code. Well, I can
TYPE it in, but it will not let me past the code
from the clipboard. I'm not about to type all
these codes, that would be silly.

These are the steps which I used: Goto "Add IR Code" dialog and click on "View/Edit IR Code". An "Edit IR Code" dialog pops up where you can enter your IR code. I also tried pasting the IR code from ProntoProEdit. It works!!!
Also, the button properties screen needs an OK
button. It is just wrong to have to hit the X
every time to save your changes.

The property pages are such that as you type/do something, the changes are reflected automatically. There is no need to close the property sheet to save your changes.
- alsuba
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 07:42
Founding Member
August 2001
The property pages are such that as you type/do
something, the changes are reflected automatically.
There is no need to close the property sheet to
save your changes.
- alsuba

Yes, but I think we need a CANCEL button. If I remove a bmp and decide not to remove it, I have to import the bmp again. That is for any change you do in the properties window. I like the fact that you don't even have to close that window, you can edit properties of various buttons, just clicking on them.
Post 4 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 09:10
Founding Member
August 2001
You may not have a cancel button, but you do have an undo arrow in you toolbar that lets your go back several steps.

I think the auto save is great. It lets you switch between buttons and panels without having to exit the properties screen. Really nice when you need to make a lot of changes.
Jack of all trades..
Master of None
Post 5 made on Wednesday February 12, 2003 at 12:05
Founding Member
August 2001
The undo not always work as it should. If I change a bmp I can't undo that. If I move 2 or 3 icons together, If I undo there is undo for one icon not the three of them... That why we should have a cancel button.

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