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Conversion of code for Pronto
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 13:04
Herb Crane
Long Time Member
May 2005
Hi All,

I have the following codes

02 50 4F 4E 03
02 50 4F 46 03

Can somebody tell me how to convert for use in the Pronto? They don't seem to fit any of the expected formats in the PENG software.
Post 2 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 14:38
IR Expert
September 2002
I wouldn't have figured out what those are supposed to mean from the limited information you posted. I doubt anyone else could.

Looking at your other post helped a lot, but not enough

You're looking for discrete codes for a Panasonic projector AE 900U.

I can somewhat see how those strings might represent Panasonic signals, but it doesn't quite fit.

I might make some guesses if I have more time later, but the best way for an expert to interpret discrete commands in some obscure hex form is by comparing them to ordinary (learned non discrete) commands of the same device in Pronto Hex.

I've said it many times in various forums at RC: If you want better help with discrete codes for your device, include some Pronto Hex for learned signals with your question.


But the other way I often use to find the meaning of the various out_of_context quotes you tend to see here, is to google the questionable text. So I did that.

I googled "02 50 4F 4E 03" and got one obviously on topic hit.

That xls file says the power On and Off strings from that other thread are RS232 commands, not IR commands. Typically there is no way to convert an rs232 command to an IR command, so I think this is a dead end.

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