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"please wait" page
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Post 1 made on Tuesday April 17, 2007 at 10:04
Advanced Member
April 2004
hi guys, is there a method of inserting a page with the message "please wait" or similar into a macro, for example i want to watch a DVD, the pronto fires out all the commands then jumps to the DVD control page, the tv however takes 10 sec to juice up. i would like a page to pop up saying "please wait" whilst this is happening and THEN jump to the DVD control page.
regards mark.
Post 2 made on Tuesday April 17, 2007 at 10:47
Long Time Member
October 2003
As the last commands in your macro, jump to the "Please Wait" page, then put in a 10-second delay, and then jump to the DVD Control page.
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday April 17, 2007 at 17:41
Advanced Member
April 2004
oh yes, stupid me! that works. has anyone thought up a more elegant solution than simply jumping to a single page with the message "please wait"?
Post 4 made on Tuesday April 17, 2007 at 18:35
Select Member
March 2004
For the longer macros in my PCF I've incorporated a series of loading pages which simulate a progress bar (courtesy of Daniel Tonks TSU7500 PCF), the last page of which lets the user know the macro has completed and that they're being taken to the main page for the particular activity. The header and messages above and below the progress bar are customized for each activity of course. To see my loading pages in action feel free to download my PCF via the link in my signature area below.

Last edited by Lowpro on November 21, 2011 18:53.
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Post 5 made on Wednesday April 18, 2007 at 21:53
Ultimate Member
May 2001
oh yes, stupid me! that works. has anyone thought up a more elegant solution than simply jumping to a single page with the message "please wait"?

you can do anything you want. But all use the same principle (visual). You can malke a please wait, use several screens to be more interesting (you know loading with a bar graph 10%-20%.... an old TV coundown 10-9-......)

You can also add "music" if you want (series of beeps) Don't know if beeps work well in transfers from CCF but in the old Pronto section file section there is a CCF that has several good buttons for such a thing (theme music made to be added to macros)

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