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Can't drag frames in Wizz.it9
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 1, 2006 at 23:26
Lurking Member
July 2005
For some reason I can't click and drag frames or panels from the gallery. The buttons go perfectly though. I was able to paste a JPEG on the home page without a problem. But I want to insert text above the JPEG and I need a frame.

What's described in the manual (If you can call it that) doesn't work, I must be doing something wrong.

I've searched the forums, the Wizz help, Pronto FAQs, even David's Ultimate Pronto Guide. I'm getting kinda frustrated. Can someone help me out?

If it ain't fixed, don't broke it.
Post 2 made on Thursday March 2, 2006 at 00:10
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Drag into a button, save the pressed or released image to a file on hard disk, then load this file into a panel.

FYI, frames was the term used to describe what are now called Panels in the PCF world. The Old CCF Panels are now called Pages in the PCF world.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday March 2, 2006 at 10:35
Lurking Member
July 2005
Is there an easier way to resize panels? It seems like hit or miss. Sometimes it won't take my numbers when I'm trying to stretch one wider, for instance.

As I was thinking about your advice, frustrated that I couldn't just write text on a transparent panel and overlay it with a flick of my wrist, I started tapping my laptop's clicker harder and harder. The next thing that happened was now some BUTTONS in later categories wouldn't drag. Then suddenly it all worked! I tabbed over from buttons to panels and now it all works!! Is this thing buggy or what?

Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. I guess it's fixed for now, but I don't know why!
If it ain't fixed, don't broke it.
Post 4 made on Thursday March 2, 2006 at 12:50
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Use a real mouse and I think you'll get better results. Touchpads and laptop buttons are not the greatest things in the world.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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