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How to enter a name for a Learned IR Code?
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 15, 2003 at 23:41
Mike Clark
Long Time Member
February 2003
I have not found a way to enter a name for a Learned IR Code. Any ideas? For those that haven't entered a learned IR code, here is what I see: The name that is listed under Normal Actions is always "Learned IR Code". If I double click on it to edit, the actual IR code is entered for Name. If I change this entry to the name of my choice, the IR code is deleted. Thanks - mike
Post 2 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 00:07
Founding Member
August 2001
I don't believe you can change the name for the "Learned IR Code" in the Actions tab. Use the "Label" tab and label the button with the name that you want for the IR Code.

Jack of all trades..
Master of None
Post 3 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 13:41
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002

I think he wants to name the ir code itself. Which is possible on the other pronto's software. And it was needed if the user wanted to use the eluminater. Or else it would crash it if there was no name on the ir code.

But that was only if you copy and pasted an ir code with out naming it. (Sorry I had to clear that up some). So if this is a learned code, it would say "LEARNED" Meaning it had a name for the ir code.

Post 4 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 19:08
Founding Member
August 2001
Yes Pronto Edit for the older Pronot's will let you name the code, but I have not found a way to do it in PENG. There might be a way to to it, but it is not known to me. Maybe someone else can pop in and give us a way.

Jack of all trades..
Master of None
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 19:27
Mike Clark
Long Time Member
February 2003
Naming an IR code is important to me because I have some codes that are repeated 4-7 times. After a few of these are connected in a string, it becomes unnecesarily difficult to debug since all of the codes have the same name.

Also, it would be nice to be able to cut and paste a group of IR codes. I haven't tried it, but since they all have the same name, it would be easy to copy the wrong code inadvertantly.

- mike
Post 6 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 20:01
Founding Member
August 2001
On 02/16/03 19:27, Mike Clark said...
Naming an IR code is important to me because I
have some codes that are repeated 4-7 times.

Sorry if my questions sound stupid, but maybe there might be a different way to do it. How and where are these codes repeated? In a macro? Do you use a link or do learn the IR code each time you need to use it?

With a little more detail we might be able to give an alternate way to get the same end result.

Also, it would be nice to be able to cut and paste
a group of IR codes. I haven't tried it, but
since they all have the same name, it would be
easy to copy the wrong code inadvertantly.

Some people have reported trouble when using groups in PENG. If sometimes causes errors where you can't save and reopen your file.


This message was edited by Archer on 02/16/03 20:36.
Jack of all trades..
Master of None
OP | Post 7 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 21:51
Mike Clark
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 02/16/03 20:01, Archer said...
Sorry if my questions sound stupid, but maybe
there might be a different way to do it. How and
where are these codes repeated? In a macro? Do
you use a link or do learn the IR code each time
you need to use it?

With a little more detail we might be able to
give an alternate way to get the same end result.

I have a Proxima Pro AV SX1 projector that has many set-up options, but there is no direct way (that I know of) to reach any particular option. For example to toggle the screen aspect ratio between 16:9 and 4:3, one has to press MENU, then DOWN 4 times, then ENTER, then DOWN 7 times, then RIGHT, then BACK twice. I have entered these key strokes into a macro by repeatedly learning the IR Codes.
Is there some way to repeat an IR code without having to learn it again?
Is there some way to toggle an option without stepping through the entire menu?
(An aside - I have discovered that often the Learned IR Codes do not upload into PENG identically. For example, the IR code for DOWN will vary from one entry to the next when they are entered repeatedly. I then have to delete and re-enter the code when this happens. I haven't looked at the codes closely, but maybe the difference is just the length of time the code is activated?)
I do use Links when I want to access a macro elsewhere.
Some people have reported trouble when using groups
in PENG. If sometimes causes errors where you
can't save and reopen your file.

I don't know what groups are.

Also, to turn the projector on, one has to hold the POWER button down for 3-4 seconds. I am wondering if I can accomplish this by copying a portion of the IR code repeatedly into a single Learned IR Code.

- mike
Post 8 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 22:09
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
There is a way to make a macro with out learning the ir codes over and over again.

It was called alaising. But in PENG it's called links.

So you'll learn the codes just once. And alais, link, the codes to the marco button for which you want to have them it to change the aspect ratio. Or anything else for that matter.

OP | Post 9 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 22:23
Mike Clark
Long Time Member
February 2003
Seems like the smart way to go.
Do Links run slower than equivalent IR codes entered directly? The 3000 running a macro already runs significantly slower than the actual control it replaces. I'll try it and find out.
Post 10 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 22:34
Founding Member
August 2001
Instead of learning your IR Codes repeatedly in your marco, make a new device and give it a name such as IR Codes. Now make a page for each piece of equipment
(IR Code Proxima, IR Code TV, and etc) and create a small button on that page for each IR code that you want to learn from that device. Label the button as to what the IR code does, such as Down, Enter, On, Off, and etc. Now learn the IR code into each button with the actual device remote. These pagez will be used only for your other pages to link to.

Now when you make a page for you Proxima Projector you can make your macro by "linking" to the page that has the actual IR Codes. The advantage to this is that you only have to learn each IR code once and if it should ever change you just have to change it once in the IR Device and page where where you made it. Then any "Link" will be updated to this new IR Code.

In your case Your Macro in the Actions Tab would be similar to...
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Menu
Link to IR Codes - Ir Code Proxima - Down
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Down
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Down
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Down
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Enter
Link to IR Codes - IR Code Proxima - Down
and continue this Linking until the macro is complete.
You might also have to put delays in between the Links.

This is probably as clear as mud. If you would like I can send you an email with actual screen shots.

[email protected]
Jack of all trades..
Master of None
Post 11 made on Monday February 17, 2003 at 09:26
Ultimate Member
May 2001
nothing noticeable
OP | Post 12 made on Monday February 17, 2003 at 18:39
Mike Clark
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 02/16/03 22:34, Archer said...
Instead of learning your IR Codes repeatedly in
your marco, make a new device and give it a name
such as IR Codes. ...
This is probably as clear as mud. .

Actually, it's perfectly clear. After seeing the idea, it's obvious how to make it work. thanks!

Any thoughts on how to extend the duration of a button press? Can the appropriate portion of the IR code be appended repeatedly to a Learned IR Code to create a code that will stay ON for an extended period? (I am going to try it, but maybe you know the pitfalls.) - mike
Post 13 made on Monday February 17, 2003 at 20:28
Founding Member
August 2001
If an IR Code is learned properly, such as volume, then it should keep sending as long as the button is pushed. In a macro there is no way to "hold that button down". So what I do is put repeated links to that IR Code to extend the length of it. Example, the volume on my DVD is a lot lower than my Dish 501, so in my macro that turns the DVD on I have about 25 links to the Amp Volume that brings the level up. When I go back to Dish 501 I use another 25 links to volume that turns it down.

Some people that know the structure of the IR codes can add to it to make it a longer send. On the regular Pronto forum you can do a search about extending the duration of a button press, and get all kind of answers. Most of those will pertain to the 3000 also.

Jack of all trades..
Master of None

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