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MP3 Control
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 12, 2003 at 21:41
Founding Member
October 2001
Hi everyone,
For a long time now i have been trying to setup pronto control of my 3000+ mp3 collection but have not really come up with a good solution. So i thought i'd post here and see if any of you had any suggestions. Let me start with what i have and then what i want:

I am currently running Win2000 (upgrade to XP soon) and have a Philips Pronto RU940. I have a Philips Infrared keyboard, which is the rather rare model that is compatiable with the pronto mousemode. I have all the keys learned + left and right mouse click, and any multi key combination can be learned if needed. At present i am using mousemode with musicmatch software to control MP3's. Basic controls such as play, back, forward etc are setup on a panel in the pronto.

what i want!:
I don't mind which mp3 software is used but i want to be able to setup my playlist using buttons on the pronto. Having keys for example which allow me to jump to the artist by letter key and then another button to add tracks to the playlist. Basically i need a system that can be navigated entirly by keys.
Having a list of artists/albums on the pronto which i can click through would be great but not essential, it would have to be easly updated though, as my mp3 collection grows quickly.

What i don't want:
To have to buy anything else (i'm tight!) such as IRman etc.
Not keen on the idea of setting up a playlist for every album i have.... MP3 player with built in libary much prefered, but i'm open to suggestions.

Does anyone else out have a system similar to what i want that is willing to save me a bit of the work????!!

Any suggestions for good mp3 software etc??

Many thanks for any help

Post 2 made on Thursday March 13, 2003 at 03:03
Founding Member
February 2002
Hello Liam,

Have a look at Bruce Hartley's site:
and spesialy the Super Nudelist site: [Link:]

I'm using Bruce's tools with Super Nudelist to controll my Mp3 collection concist of approx 4000 sorted mp3 files, and 5000 unsorted
Using WinAmp, IrMan, Pronto RU-940 Great Stuff!!

But Liam, you have to do some work here. But that's half the fun, isn't it?


Post 3 made on Thursday March 13, 2003 at 10:43
Bruce Hartley
Founding Member
September 2001
He took the words out of my mouth.

If so then with my tools you could probably get close to what you want.

My tools will automatically create playlists for each album, each artist and each genre.
But if you look at how I work it I'm sure you could adapt it.

You will need to download girder ( ), which is free!!

I'm running over 8,000 tracks using this on a colour RC9200 and it's great (even if I do say so myself)

(UK ;-) )
Post 4 made on Thursday March 13, 2003 at 14:17
Founding Member
February 2002

I'm afraid you're wrong. It's not great. It's super fantastic!!
An exelent tool!! Save you a lot of time. I'll give it 6 by 6 possible stars!!

Highly recomended

Post 5 made on Thursday March 13, 2003 at 22:49
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

Please keep in mind that the version of Supernudelist on the site mentioned above is almost 2 years old.

You should use the version available here if at all possible.

In fact, I only offer Q&A support for Version

I offer bugfix support for the Version 2 release available from the files section here on RemoteCentral.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 6 made on Friday March 14, 2003 at 11:38
Founding Member
October 2001
Thanks everyone for you help,
I think you've convinced me that the Super Nudelist route is the way to go and that all the work is worth it in the end???!!!
Thanks Lyndel for the heads up about the software i'm now using the newer version. Am i right in thinking this latest version enables customisation of graphics and the moving of them to different possitions? I ask because what i ultimately want to achieve is something that both looks and feels like part of easytheater which i'm running, i.e with the watch, listen, record, play and control logo's running along the top of each screen. Is this possible with this new version of Supernudelist? I'm sure i'm not the onlyone running easytheater and supernudelist who would find this desirable...
My other question is how long does it take you once set up and your used to the process, to update your pronto ccf when you have added a few new albums to your mp3 collection?
I'm also a little stuck at the girder controlling winamp stage i've downloaded a group for winamp but i cant seem to learn keyboard commands by pressing the Learn event button. Am i doing this the right way? I've never used girder before.

Has anyone used a keyboard with girder and winamp that has a finished group i can look at??
please don't abandon me now i got this far!!
many thanks

This message was edited by Liam on 03/14/03 13:11.
Post 7 made on Friday March 14, 2003 at 15:55
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

Unfortunately, the layout in SuperNudelist has not changed much over the years. Yes, you can customize graphics an many more ways than you could with the B&W version. However, the image sizes and locations are still fixed. The upcoming version of SNL has 2 new list layouts but they are still full-screen and don't necessarily look like EasyTheatre. I have spoken with Dale Crawford (he and I live in the same city) and we have conversed about EasyTheatre. Unfortunately, support for something like EasyTheatre in SuperNudelist is a major effort.

Unfortunately, donations have not been fruitful enough to warrant the tremendous effort required rewrite the code to support different "pluggable" layouts. I hope one day to potentially do a rewrite in Java. However, before this occurs, Leo Davidson (the original author) and I have to get our 2 source code bases merged into a single code base.


Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 8 made on Saturday March 15, 2003 at 23:50
Founding Member
October 2001
Can someone please tell me what the various functions in the player section of SNL under "button mappings" are supposed to do in regards to winamp,
such as
disc +10
before disc
after disc
before track
after track
3 etc etc

i have successfully got girder to work with winamp using a downloaded .GML file but do not know which winamp functions are supposed to go with which SNL function.

BRUCE! if your out there maybe you can help
in another thread you said:

There are some good girder files for controlling winamp available on the girder site.

Also if you wish I could send you the girder files I have customised.
Basically they allow you to type in an album number (or track number on my latest experiment).
It will then enqueue or play the playlist.

Utils on my webpage allow you to create export files for supernudelist and create the require playlists.

Drop me a line if you need more info.

would it be possible for you to email me a copy of that GML file?? All i would need to do, if you can send me a copy is learn infra red keyboard strokes into girder in place of what your using and make sure that these are also learned in the pronto for SNL to use, is this correct??
Help a fello brit out :)

Many thanks
[email protected]

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