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AVOutfitters Problem
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 13:52
Founding Member
September 2001
avoutfitters had referbed 1000 and 2000 protos remots for a good price, almost to good. So I ordered a couple 2000. Got the package and 2 phillips boxes but only one pronto. I called them and they said that there were 2 in there when it left so it must of been UPS. The ship weight was 5 lbs through out the UPS shipment so UPS will not cover it they said. The odd thing is the package on my scale also weigs 5 lbs indicating that they did not send it. Also I had to call them several times and a bunch of the times no one was there. It's been over a month now and they still clame that UPS is to blame and not helping me, I offered to ship the whole 5lbs box (order) back to them, or have UPS inspect it and they said that would not help so I got shafted. They just refuse to help me or to even follow up with UPS.

This message was edited by programmergeek on 12/19/02 11:53.33.
Post 2 made on Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 13:56
Super Member
September 2001
If you paid with a credit card, challege the charge and let Visa/Master Charge/Discover sort it out. Somewhat suprizingly (at least to me) they seem to favor the customer in disputes.

Jim L
Jim L
Post 3 made on Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 14:06
Lurking Member
December 2002
I got my 2000 from them. No problems. On time, etc.

The unit was a little more shopworn than other refurb items I've purchased. But they warned me of that on their website.

In this hypercompetitive marketplace, with all of us sharing all this info, I'm surprised they are not working with you--bad news travels fast.

Post 4 made on Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 15:30
Long Time Member
November 2002
I got my refurb'ed ProntoPro from AVOutfitters for a really good price, too good to be true. It came as expected, on time, properly wrapped... I did have a problem with it, the hard button Vol - did not work. I called them, they said I could send it back for a refund or exchange, or I could call Phillips for help. I called phillips, they sent me a new one as soon as I had a UPS tracking number, it is "cleaner" than the one I sent. I have been sitting in front of the computer ever since (working in Pronto Edit). Sorry about your bad luck. Have UPS weigh the package, then call AVOutfitters with the outcome..
Good Luck
Post 5 made on Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 16:35
Founding Member
September 2001
My ProntoPro from AVoutfitters came with a broken charger. They shipped out a new one once I called.

I've not yet programmed it (its been a month... see my other thread) so I'm now quite anxious to do it to make certain that the hard buttons work.

But the people I dealt with at AV seemed very nice, and competent.
Post 6 made on Wednesday December 18, 2002 at 09:17
Long Time Member
October 2002
I got a refurbed 1000 and a charger about a month ago and everything works fine. Got the thing two days after I ordered it.
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday December 18, 2002 at 10:03
Founding Member
September 2001
I don't really feel like dealing with it I have called them several times and every time they have a different story, or are looking into it. They have been looking into it for over a month now. I may try the credit card thing. For now I will just spread the bad PR in hopes that someone else doesn't get burned.
Post 8 made on Wednesday December 18, 2002 at 12:45
Long Time Member
December 2002
Hi! Anyone who has ever dealt with UPS knows that it takes a while for them to straighten out problems. We shipped this guy 2 remotes ( packaged seperately in factory sealed boxes) in one larger box. TSU2000 units weigh 2 lbs. This package was 5 lbs. Thanks to all of our customers who have came to our rescue on this thread. I am personally trying to work with programmergeek on this. I must admit, after seeing his other posts on this site, I was worried that he might be trying to scam me. He has sent 3 units back to Philips because he drops them and the same day he ordered from us ( 2 units) he posted this message on this site:

Written by programmergeek on 11/18/02 12:16.02

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I am looking for someone who will sell there broken pronto tsu 2000 for a cheep price. I need the case so the beter the condition the better. I have one and the case is cracked because of moving it got crushed so i am hoping to find one used that isn't working. Let me know if you have one and how much.

[email protected]

( I guess now he has found a cheap one--a "free" working unit. :)

I find it very odd that the same day he is looking for a "cheap broken unit" he purchases 2 from us -- and somehow one ends up "missing"

Anyone who has ever had dealings with us knows that we try very hard for 100% customer satisfaction. I will continue with the UPS process. Thanks!!

OP | Post 9 made on Wednesday December 18, 2002 at 17:28
Founding Member
September 2001
Yes, I have 3 prontos. I had bad luck with the 1000 and Phillips offered me a buy back on 2 of them for what I paid :) so once I saw your price on the 2000 I took it and told them that I would just get 2000. The one 2000 I had worked great except that it got crushed along the line so I still need a case for it. The price they gave me for the buy back was close to the price of the 2000 you had it seemed logical to just upgrade.

No, this is not true
"I find it very odd that the same day he is looking for a "cheap broken unit" he purchases 2 from us -- and somehow one ends up "missing""

"Order Date: 11/14/2002"
My order was not placed the same day I was looking for a broken one. I was looking for a broken one before I even knew about your price see the order date and the post dates.

Besides if I was trying to do that I would of just sent the broken one back and said it got crushed in shipping, much easer. Or just said the package that was left on my step never showed up. I also would not try to steal referbed remote if I was going to do that I would of ordered new ones or maybe 6000. I would not of gone for the scratched cheapest one I could find.

"(packaged seperately in factory sealed boxes)" Is it possible one was not in there from the factory? I aggree there were two factory boxes in the lager box.

The only reason I posted this is because the last time I called I was told I didn't have a case and you follow up with UPS but never contacted me I had to call you after a month. I found it odd that you said you contacted UPS but never contacted me about the findings, I had to call you 3 times. I got the impression you were avoiding me and was wondering if anyone else had issues.

To tell you the truth this is just a big head ake, I just wanted to warn people I had an issue, whether it be with you or UPS, I have gotten burned in the past. I use to be a small business owner and I would never say anything bad about any business. But as a consumer I have found I have very little recourse.

Because UPS said the package did not change weight and it appeared in good shape when I got home on my step. It would make sense it was not packaged in there. But I did return everything into the package and weighed it and it did come to 5 lbs but a pronto without a batt does not weight 2 lbs, maybe 1/2 lbs dripping wet. So I wonder if there scales even are that accurate from site to site.

The fact that you answered this means that you care about the business, I have to assume if you have no other bad experiences then it must be UPS and I have an isolated experience. I will try to contact ups to follow up with them.
Post 10 made on Thursday December 19, 2002 at 06:57
Dave Houston
RF Expert
October 2001
My experience with AVOutfitters was excellent. I had several e-mail exchanges and one phone call and found them professional and unbelievably helpful.

I ordered a refurb TS1000. Had it the next day. Had a problem getting it to work. Had a replacement the next day and the UPS driver took the first one. It turned out that one of the 4 batteries I used was weak so the first unit was almost certainly OK.

Since my only use for the TS1000 was to show others how to convert it to RF, I wanted to be absolutely certain I had a good one before I voided the warranty.

Full details on converting a TS1000 to send RF are now available at...


Thanks, Wende.
OP | Post 11 made on Thursday December 19, 2002 at 10:29
Founding Member
September 2001
I just got an e-mail fronm them saying they are sending UPS to my house, this is good. I was just worried they were one of these fly by night internet co that don't care. This dioesn't seem the case. It took a little pestering but they are now addressing the issue and that is what I wanted. They claim ups was backed up because of the holoday I can see that but some communication would of been nice. In any case they are working with me on a resolution to this issue now :)

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