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Download to Pronto problem
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Post 1 made on Monday December 20, 1999 at 08:52
Steve Fellenz
Historic Forum Post
I'm a newcomer to the Pronto (had it less than a week), I've I've run into some problems uploading/downloading to the Pronto. First, it took two tries to upload my initial config that I modified with the Pronto directly. Once uploaded, I had a blast modifying it with ProntoEdit. ProntoEmulator worked fine. Next, I attempted to download the new config. Got message "failed to get valid information from Pronto". Next, I go back into ProntoEmulator and get the message "Invalid cofiguration file version". If I reload my ccf from the hard drive, ProntoEmulator works fine again. Anyway, after about 40 (not kidding) attempts to download the new config to Pronto, I was finally successfull. I looked at some of the other threads at this site and could not determine if someone else has experienced this exact problem. Any ideas as to what's going on here?
OP | Post 2 made on Monday December 20, 1999 at 09:35
Steve Fellenz
Historic Forum Post
NEVER MIND! I just found the faq help on updating my firmware, and now everything is working smoothly. Also, I finally have the 'day of the week' button under SETUP. Always wondered why my instruction manual that came with the Pronto mentioned it but it didn't exist on my Pronto.
Post 3 made on Thursday January 23, 2014 at 19:57
Mac Burks (39)
Elite Member
May 2007
Steven, the problem is most likely due to the fact that you are using a product from 1999 (the year in which you posted this thread). I would wager that if you time traveled to 2014 you would no longer have any pronto problems.

For fins....
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 4 made on Thursday January 23, 2014 at 21:01
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Mac? What's up? Searching for a 1999 post, were you? I think you just set a record for resurrection of the oldest post.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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