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Advanced Codes Question
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Post 1 made on Friday September 22, 2000 at 14:56
Bob Cab
Historic Forum Post
Here's my plan:

I want to get either a One For All Cinema 7 or Radio Shack 15-1994. Program advanced codes (specifically discrete "Power On" and "Power Off") for as many of my components as possible. Then, "teach these commands to my exicting Marantz RC2000MkII remote for use in macros.

If all I'm really interested in is the advanced code capability of the remote, is there a better choice between the One For All and the Radio Shack? Are there less expansive models that can be programmed with advanced codes?
OP | Post 2 made on Friday September 22, 2000 at 15:04
Historic Forum Post
Almost all models of RS and OFA remotes can be programmed with adv codes (as long as they have numeric buttons).

You need to be able to find a device code first before you can use adv codes, so even though the cheaper OFA Access 4 ($8 at Walmart) can be used, it won't be any good for receivers, etc as it doesn't have receiver codes installed.

You would be better of with a C7 than the '94 in this case because the C7 has more device codes than the '94.

These questions and many more wil be answered on my web site.


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