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Trying to extend function of Sky Remote
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Post 1 made on Friday September 15, 2000 at 07:09
Historic Forum Post
I'm trying to extend the functionality of my Sky remote? I've discovered how to programme a key with the three digit codes but could somebody answer a souple of questions.

Are the three digit codes dependant on the TV completely and not which remote/which general device code etc.

Where can I find the codes for my Sony KV28FX20? Will Sony tell me? I can't imagine one-4-all being helpfull since I don't own one of their remotes.

What are the possible consequences of experimenting? I've read that you can screw up your TV, is this true?

OP | Post 2 made on Friday September 15, 2000 at 09:17
Historic Forum Post
OK, I'm lost! What is a "Sky" remote and why are you posting this question in the "One For All" forum? Does this remote use the same device codes and programming techniques as a One For All remote? If it does, then we might be able to help you.

OP | Post 3 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 06:55
Historic Forum Post
I've just looked at the format of the date stamps and the time stamps and realized why we are talking at crossed purposes. This is an American site and I'm asking about British products which of course you are unfamiliar with.

By sky remote I mean the remote control that operates a Sky digital satelite set top box. It's the most popular way to recieve multi-channel TV in here in Blighty.

The Sky remote can operate your TV and apparently, the technology and information for this was supplied by one-4-all.

You may not care about this next bit but I'll tell you anyway. The remote uses four digit manufacturers codes, and has three digit codes that are more specific, I'm sure you know how it works, the four digit code steps through the three digit codes. Anyway, the four digit codes for Sony TV matches the ones on your site, Rob and the advanced codes work my TV perfectly. I finally plucked up the courage to try them. However, the three digit (not-advanced) codes are not the same.

The four digit codes for other manufacturers are different as are the three digit codes. I don't own another TV so haven't checked the advanced codes for any other model.

Quite frankly, I was surprised by how compatible the codes were for the Sony.

It's all terribly confusing.

OP | Post 4 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 10:02
Historic Forum Post
If the device codes are similar between your Sky remote and One For All remotes, that tells me that your remote is made by UEIC, who are the folks that make the OFA and Radio Shack remotes discussed here.

To answer your original question, here's how advanced codes work. Once you've selected a device code, you have established the IR protocol and the manufacturers device code, you've also established a default button mapping. At this point you can create additional buttons using advanced codes. What the advanced code does is use the internal IR synthesizer to create new IR signals in the format that you've already established but using a new command code based on the advanced code that you entered.

I'm surprised that the advanced codes listed for the American models don't correspond to your UK models. This could be because either (a) the program in the English OFA remotes is different than the ones used here, or (b) the devices in the UK use different command codes.

If you post the brand/models that you're working with and the device codes that you are using and I can try and dig a bit deeper. I have a couple of English OFA remotes to play with, so I can compare the signals created.

OP | Post 5 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 11:18
Historic Forum Post
There are Four TV's which I'm interested in. The first is my own, like I said, the codes on your website sorted it out and I can duplicate all the controls from the original remote, which is good, so I suppose this is just for interest.

Sony KV28FX20
The four digit code given in my manual is 0000, same as your web site says but the three digit codes are;


The magic codes from your site work.

The next one is my Dad's TV. It's quite a complex beast in the way it operates so being able to match a few more keys would be nice but I don't wanna mess until I'm a bit more confident in case I bugger it up, cause it aint my telly.

Philips 32PW9515

The four digit code in my manual is 0081
This is different to the 0054 or 0030 quoted on your site.

The three digit codes

584, 065, 040, 041, 582, 221, 115, 071

As for the magic codes, I love to know which set, if any will work.

The third is from sathelp over at, he was asked this question and he's helped me out loads of times so I might as well ask seeing as I'm here.

Hitachi C2846TN
He needs the code to operate the teletext button. A code is on your site but without being sure, I'm loathed to tell him to try it just in case somebody's TV goes on the fritz as a result of my ham-fisted attempts at investigation. :)

Just for kicks, the four digit code is,
The three digit codes are
253, 384, 377, 173, 606, 591, 509, 065, 071, 072, 064, 060, 133, 137, 224, 226, 245, 255, 191, 334, 391, 549, 576, 585

The only info I've got on this one is from your site.

If your interested here are a couple of site that contain info on the particular remote of which I speak. Click on 'Sky Digital'
OP | Post 6 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 11:29
Historic Forum Post
Could you clarify what these 3 digit codes are? For instance, with the Sony TV, do you enter '0000' as the code or do you enter one of the 3 digit codes, and if your manual says to use '0000', where did you get the 3 digit codes from?

OP | Post 7 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 16:38
Historic Forum Post
The manual gives a single four digit code for each make of TV. The instructions say enter the four digit code, try it and if it doesn't work, enter it again, etc until the red light blinks three times meaning that the remote has tried all the settings for your TV.

That's all well and good but sometimes it's useful to be able to skip directly to the correct setting and so if you phone a helpdesk number they'll give you a series of three digit codes which you can try to directly access each setup.

Basically, the three digit codes are the thing and the four digit codes just step through, if you get my drift.

The codes, both four and three digit are available on many websites including sathelp above, which is where I got them.

I hope I've explained that well enough.

OP | Post 8 made on Monday September 18, 2000 at 16:48
Historic Forum Post
This is a completely different mode of operation to how the regular OFA remotes like the Cinema 7, etc work. With these remotes, you can only enter the 4 digit code, you use the search function if you need to look for a code.


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