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URC-8800 Misery..Need help
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Post 1 made on Monday September 11, 2000 at 08:54
Chris Hirtzel
Historic Forum Post
Hey folks...
What an awesome site! I am so glad I found it!.. I have just recently purchased from circuit city a One for all urc 8800 remote. This is the second one, and still I am having problems... Buttons(specifically the arrow and channel keys) intermittently work. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. No matter how much pressure I put on the buttons they still don't work(the little transmit icon doesn't show up on the lcd). I sent a nasty gram to the site on the back of the remote, but my question is... Do I try another(a third unit of the same model), or go for a different brand remote altogether??? I am looking for a remote with an lcd(for easier programming) Learning ability and macro functions. The sony, HK, and phillips units are nice, but I feel a bit excessive for my needs...I have a Yamaha 5.1 receiver, panasonic dvd, sony vcr, jvc tv, and a magnavox cd changer. Any suggestions/advice are appreciated. thanks much

OP | Post 2 made on Monday September 11, 2000 at 10:22
Historic Forum Post
If the buttons only work intermittently, then this is a problem with the remote and you should probably return it and get a new one.

If you can live without the LCD screen, I would recommend getting a 15-1994 from Radio Shack or a Cinema 7 from Circuit City. While the programming is a little bit more involved, it's also less restrictive that it is on the URC-8800. First off, you can learn to almost any button, not just the dedicated learning buttons as is the case with the URC-8800. Secondly, with the URC-8800 you need to know exactly what kind of device code you are dealing with. For example, you may read posts from people who are using receiver codes 0158 and 0159 for their Sony receivers, with the C7 and 15-1994 remotes, both of these codes are under the receiver device button, but on the URC-8800 the 0158 code is a receiver code and 0159 is a "Misc Audio" code. I can't tell you how many times I've had emails from people saying that "code 0159 is not in my remote" because of that.

Another big difference is that the URC-8800 costs around $80, while the C7 and 15-1994 cost around $30.

If you want to change remotes completely, you might want to take a look at the Sony VL900 which goes for around $55.

OP | Post 3 made on Monday September 11, 2000 at 10:43
Chris Hirtzel
Historic Forum Post
Thanks Bob!
What about the Radio shack 1995? Or the homelogic ur362?? It looks like a good unit as well...Any ideas? thx again!!

OP | Post 4 made on Monday September 11, 2000 at 11:31
Historic Forum Post
Personally, I think the 15-1994 is a better remote than the 15-1995 (despite the price difference). The 15-1995 is a non-learner, so if there isn't a device code in it, you're SOL! Plus, being part of the 'Producer 8' family, you have that stupid SELECT/SURROUND button switcheroo.

I've not heard of the Homelogic remote before, can you point me towards a web site that has info on it? I think it's a good idea to stick with UEIC remotes when you're looking at sub-$100 remotes because of the advanced code feature (UEIC makes the One For All and Radio Shack remotes).

OP | Post 5 made on Monday September 11, 2000 at 11:44
Chris Hirtzel
Historic Forum Post
Hey Rob,
If you go to click on reviews, you'll see the home logic ur362 review right there. Looks like what I am looking for, but I can find it anywhere(can't even find a website). However, this is the only place I can find it. I think I'll look on some other sites for mention of it. There is no website or comapny info in the review that I could find. Thanks for your time!!

OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday September 12, 2000 at 11:24
Chris Hirtzel
Historic Forum Post
Hey all,
Ordered a 515 yesterday, I think will solve my problems, I took the 8800 back, what a shame. That was a cool remote. just need better build quality i guess. Thanks to all who lent advice!


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