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Can someone compare the URC-7800, 8800, & 9800?
This thread has 6 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Saturday April 1, 2000 at 00:35
Daryle Tilroe
Historic Forum Post
The subject pretty much says it all. There is a great
FAQ for the 7800 but how much applies to the 8800 &
9800? Do they only have a few more buttons and a
display? Do they have more memory? Etc. Thanks!
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday April 1, 2000 at 01:35
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
The 8800 has more buttons, can control more devices, and has the same amount of memory plus an LCD. However, unlike the 7800 you can ONLY learn onto the dedicated learning keys. The 9800 is the 8800 with the RF basestation.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday April 1, 2000 at 23:40
Daryle Tilroe
Historic Forum Post
Appreciate the clarification. It appears that unless
you really like the lcd the 7800 is the way to go.
Particularly if you can really only learn onto the
dedicated learning keys. Is there any reason why
they would have removed this feature? Perhaps you
can move them after you train them?
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday April 2, 2000 at 00:16
Daryle Tilroe
Historic Forum Post
Just one quick clarification:

According to the FAQ the RS 15-1994 does not
correctly implement the volume punch through.
It also mentions that it is basically a 6800.
Does it follow (and the FAQ seems to be somewhat
unclear on this point) that the 6800 is also
lacking this feature? Is it also limited in
only being able to train the learning key like
the 8800 & 9800?
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday April 29, 2000 at 20:03
Mike Riley
Historic Forum Post
The 1994 can learn on almost every key. It won't learn on the individual device keys, and there are one or two others, but what a great job it does.

... Mike

I think, also, that the 9800 and the 1994 are pretty much the same remote inside. I just got the 9800... if it doesn't learn to other keys, I'll take it back... but even the instruction book tells you how to put a macro on a key that isn't a macro key, so we'll see...

.. Mike
OP | Post 6 made on Thursday September 14, 2000 at 21:49
Historic Forum Post
One note that I don't see mentioned here is the ability to record 7-day timed sequences on the 9800 and 8800. I just bought this thing for this reason, as I could find no mention on ofa pages about cinema7 doing this. I've got DSS and plan to use this to record multiple channels whilst I'm away. Presently, I can only record different shows on whatever channel I leave the television on, which sucks when I leave for the weekend or I'm away on business trips.

Are there other sub $100 remotes that support this?
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday September 14, 2000 at 22:49
Historic Forum Post
The 'Timed Sequences' feature is unique to the 'Producer 8' class of remotes, so it will not be found on the 15-1994 or the Cinema 7.

Seeing as this old thread has been brought back to life, I feel i should clarify some points. I think the 15-1994 is much closer to the Cinema 7 than the Cinema 6. Although it is advertized as only being a 6 device remote, it is in fact a seven device remote, except that the 7th device is hard-wired to only be a 'Plug & Power' device button. My guess is that this is because Radio Shack sells X10 stuff and think that by doing this you are more likely to go out and buy some of their X10 stuff.

The 15-1994 is slightly older than the Cinema 7, so it does have the poor volume punch through, which was fixed by the time the C7 came out. It also has a different set of device codes. Radio Shack requires thattheir remotes include a whole bunch of Realistic & Optimus device codes (for stuff that no one uses!), so some useful device codes had to be dropped to make room for them (liek all the cassette codes, the Kenwood VR-309 codes and some RCA receiver codes, to name just a few). I have a cross-refernce of which device codes are on the 15-1994, URC-7800 and URC-9800 remotes on my site.


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