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Nevo C2 and C3
This thread has 35 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 36.
Post 31 made on Friday October 23, 2009 at 09:31
Active Member
March 2003
Yeah I know you can do that but the customer already had the remote. So I couldn't upload from the remote until I arrived at his house. My point was even with a harmony I could have logged on changed the devices and activities then just logged on again at his house and updated his remote. The other thing I found that was just a great feature is even if you have the username and pass and they have registered the email you still can't get into the programming section without having the remote or at least a remote connected to the computer.

I'm sorry I just don't consider a product "for CI's" when all it does is cause CI's a pain in the ass. Unfortunately it's not my call or I would can the program all together and go to URC but the owner loves these new remotes and couldn't care less how difficult they make my life.

I would be much happier if Nevo had brought these to the table and said "here these are pretty much pieces of shit that we will be mass vendoring through best buy, target and walmart but we did change the badges on some if you have a spot to use them. They really aren't designed for CI's but if you need a cheap remote then give them a try"
One thing I have learned in this industry. It is easier to pull a wire than it is to push one.
OP | Post 32 made on Friday October 23, 2009 at 16:11
Super Member
August 2008
On 1256304677, rbhfan said…

I would be much happier if Nevo had brought these to the table and said "here these are pretty much pieces of shit that we will be mass vendoring through best buy, target and walmart but we did change the badges on some if you have a spot to use them. They really aren't designed for CI's but if you need a cheap remote then give them a try"

Post 33 made on Tuesday December 15, 2009 at 07:07
Long Time Member
August 2005
The C3 is a good Remote at a resonable price. No it's not a Q50 or an S70, but at it's price point, it's very good & does RF. What other Remote does what it does including RF at this price point? It's alot better then a Harmony. These guys here who don't like it are comparing it to Remotes that are much more expen$ive.
Jeffrey S. Albaugh
Post 34 made on Wednesday December 23, 2009 at 13:25
hi fi
Long Time Member
December 2005
no way this remote is better than a harmony remote. i agree its a good remote for the money but the harmony is a better remote from a programming standpoint nevos website is way to slow adds 30 to 45 min to programming just waiting for pages to load after every single change of a button i have programmed 10 c2 and c3 and 600 harmony 880 and 890 and i dont have to wait on their website, plus the nevo is having major problems with their ir library they need to fix that before it can even be compared to harmonys ir database
Post 35 made on Thursday January 28, 2010 at 02:54
Lurking Member
January 2010
Nevo C3 is a piece of crap.

I cannot find many of the a/v equiptment devices.

I did the training for Nevo from Volutone and they made claims that are so far fetched I want to bitch slap the rep.

They claim that Universal has the largest selection of devices and IR codes.

So far I have have had 3 devices that will not respond correctly with the Nevo and they work fine with Logitech Harmony remotes.

Stay away from NEVO.

Go with RTI
Post 36 made on Thursday January 28, 2010 at 22:17
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On January 28, 2010 at 02:54, runninamuck said...
Nevo C3 is a piece of crap.

I cannot find many of the a/v equiptment devices.

I did the training for Nevo from Volutone and they made claims that are so far fetched I want to bitch slap the rep.

They claim that Universal has the largest selection of devices and IR codes.

So far I have have had 3 devices that will not respond correctly with the Nevo and they work fine with Logitech Harmony remotes.

Stay away from NEVO.

Go with RTI

if all you are interested in is the C2/C3, then I agree, stay away from Nevo, they are total garbage.   

However, the Q50 and S70s are excellent options at their price points.  
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