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New Nevo C3 Coming to CEDIA?
This thread has 35 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Thursday September 3, 2009 at 02:51
Elite Member
April 2002
The AR verison of this remote has disappointed many, since it can only control one RF directv receiver. And once there is a RF reciver programmed in, it will not allow any further IR directv receivers either. : (

Post 17 made on Thursday September 3, 2009 at 17:31
Long Time Member
April 2008
On September 2, 2009 at 09:42, vbova27 said...
To me this makes no sense. The fact of convenience will not change a thing. Nevo is a custom installation product - you can do a hell of a lot more with a Nevo remote than you can with a Harmony. And the fact of convenience means nothing. That's like saying - why would anybody wait on a 15 month waiting list for a new ferrari when they can just swing in to the local Porsche dealer and pick one of those up? It's about market. Nevo and other companies make custom products for people looking for a certain type of experience. Harmony remotes are for people who all want the same experience. There is not an ounce of creativity, thinking or customizing when programming a Harmony remote. I would never survive selling Harmony with the types of things my customers ask for. Whether it's his or hers buttons, serial control, press and hold to do this, etc - no way with Harmony, no how. Harmony remotes are like that cute little economy car that you buy - you think it's cool, until you notice everyone else has one. It's affordable, and you had your eye on the higher model but feel like you got a great deal. Then you notice after awhile it's not fun to drive and it can't do what you need it to. Pretty soon you sell it or junk it and get a real car.

I think you completely misunderstood my point. 

You repeated exactly what I was saying....that Harmony and Nevo serve completely different markets.  But I was arguing that any suggestion of this remote being "well-received" by the Harmony market is ill-founded, because Nevo offers none of the things that appeal to that market (and vice versa, for that matter).

It looks like a Harmony, its capabilities seem to be more like a Harmony, and it's supposedly shooting for more of a Harmony-like price point.  To me, all of that points toward Nevo trying to compete in that market, and I just think that's a really dumb idea.
Post 18 made on Thursday September 3, 2009 at 20:26
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
Harmonys market share compared to Nevo is astronomical. Nevo would be crazy to not want some of that recognition and profit. URC is doing it and IMO the more blurred the line between professional and consumer models gets the better.

If the price point is closer to harmony great but more importantly for Nevo is that this remote gives them a full set of hard buttons to offer in their line up.
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 19 made on Friday September 4, 2009 at 13:19
Super Member
August 2008
i believe those last two buttons are activities and devices,
seems like the home button would take you to the activities page. . .

it will be somewhat wizard based,
but you make your own macros . .

its going to be online programming.

i am confident that this remote will be a great addition for lower end installs,
or smaller rooms in the house.

one thing is for sure, i needed a lower end remote as i do not like
having different brand remotes under one roof.

the kitchen does not usually need a Q50 . .
Post 20 made on Saturday September 26, 2009 at 10:27
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
i see that they finally mention the c2 and c3 on the mynevo website, but i dont see where they have the software or any type of real manual available for download.   Has anyone found this, or are they just dragging their feet?
Post 21 made on Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 18:33
Super Member
August 2008
no software man,
its all web based.

and its a total joke.
insult if you ask me.

cant use two in the same house as RF bases do not have unique id's!!
Post 22 made on Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 18:45
Long Time Member
April 2008
What is the pricing on these new products?
Post 23 made on Tuesday September 29, 2009 at 23:32
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On September 29, 2009 at 18:33, motech said...
no software man,
its all web based.

and its a total joke.
insult if you ask me.

cant use two in the same house as RF bases do not have unique id's!!

if that is the case, i cant even install them on any of our boats.  as soon as two boats would get near each other, i would be receiving phone calls. at all the fishing tournaments, these boats get docked right next to each other.   

weak sauce...
Post 24 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 10:18
Long Time Member
September 2002
Just programmed a C3 yesterday. It's the same remote as sold by AR at Best Buy. Retail for C3 is $299, but the Best Buy AR remote is $249. Wireless REXX base unit retails for $99. Dealer price is much less and my distributor is throwing in the REXX with purchase of a C3.
Post 25 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 10:25
Super Member
July 2006
On August 7, 2009 at 17:05, brodyboy said...
I'd have to respectfully disagree with that last part. Well-received by whom?  The Harmony market?  I don't see it.

Do you realize how much market share the Harmony market has? I wish I could sell one of these remotes to every ten people who own a Harmony. I have learned a long time ago despite not caring for the Harmony product to keep in the back of my mind how much product they sell to the general public.
Post 26 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 11:37
Long Time Member
September 2002
There are a few real limitations to the C2 and C3. One big disappointment was only the first 4 device buttons show after selecting the activity. This is because the 'Assist' button (like Harmony's Help button) takes up the top two button locations in each activity. Four buttons for the 1st device page just isn't enough! It's like Harmony's 6xx series, but the Assist button can't be removed for 6 button operation like the harmony. Also going back into an activity runs the macro, so devices with power toggles will turn off - No 'smart state' technology. Lastly it doesn't appear you can reorder the activities.
Post 27 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 11:41
Long Time Member
September 2002
On September 26, 2009 at 10:27, Duct Tape said...
i see that they finally mention the c2 and c3 on the mynevo website, but i dont see where they have the software or any type of real manual available for download.   Has anyone found this, or are they just dragging their feet?

If you go to WWW.EZ-RC.COM you can create account, but can't get further without the remote control plugged in.
Post 28 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 15:04
Davis W
Long Time Member
April 2003
I have a couple of C3's from my distributor that I haven't programmed yet. After reading the reviews of the AR product I knew better than to give these a shot but my distributor told me that the interface was going to be different than the AR version. I thought that UEI had learned from their past experience. The issues that you are having are the same complaints from the past.

It is also my understanding pressing the power button does not take you back to the home page so that the remote is in a ready state the next time someone uses it.

Nevo has an opportunity if they jump on these issues and offer some options in the web interface.
Post 29 made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 at 22:29
RC Moderator
May 2002
I played around with the C3 we ordered in and I have to say..I can program a RTI way faster, trying to program a Sat audio channel macro took about 3-4 minutes with all the page flips in the EZ-RC software, the Activities took even longer, did a basic system...TV, Receiver, Sat box, CD player, VCR total time spent programming the activities, deleting a few soft buttons and adding 6 each TV channels and Sat audio channels...3 1/2 hours

I cleared the remote and tried programming from scratch with just programming on the remote with no software...Didnt happen, as soon as it wanted to program asked me to connect the remote and goto the website

Soon to have for sale...2 C3's and REX433 units...These are worse than harmony remotes...and I have only done 2 of those for clients that already had them where we added a new device
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
Post 30 made on Wednesday October 7, 2009 at 09:02
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
Thanks Glackowitz

you saved me from wasting my time
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