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Reset Nevo to factory defaults
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Post 1 made on Friday October 13, 2006 at 12:42
Long Time Member
December 2002
Good afternoon.

Just wondering how you reset the Nevo to factory defaults?

Post 2 made on Sunday October 22, 2006 at 21:03
Active Member
February 2004
Turn the Nevo off. Push and hold the backlight button, turn the remote back on then hold down the reset button.
This will do a low level format. Then is just a matter of re-installing the firmware and programe. The USB driver can be found in the Nevo programe directory under drivers.

Do this at your own risk.......
Post 3 made on Friday November 3, 2006 at 16:21
Long Time Member
November 2005
The method sydinstaller mentions works.
Once you have put the NevoSL into 'Low Level Format' you need to
1. Turn the NevoSL off then HOLD the HOME button while turning the NevoSL back
ON - KEEP HOLDING HOME until you see 'USB Download' mode
2. Connect the NevoSL to your PC using the cord included with NevoSL
3. Open NevoStudio and go to Tools\NevoSL Device Update Utility
and re-load the firmware.
4. Be sure to choose the option to 'Download a project file'
5. Patience! Some of the sections of the firmware update take longer
than others.
6. When doing the calibration - when it starts the 'countdown' tap anywhere on
the screen.
7. Set the DATE and TIME - hit 'APPLY' before you hit OK.
8. You will need to re-enter some of the wi-fi settings (encryption) into NevoSL.
9. ALWAYS reset the NevoSl after you make changes to it or to the network
enviroment it is working on (because it is Windows CE).
10. ENJOY your NevoSL!

"Until you bring a remote home that will put the kids to bed, I'm NOT impressed."
My lovely but technophobic wife
Post 4 made on Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 19:23
Lurking Member
March 2014
During the process of factory reset of the S70 Nevo after pressing the backlight button and turning on and off while holding do you continue to hold while pressing the reset button in the back or let go and what should appear on the screen to know this firmware reset has happened?

Every time I try this it just restarts back to the saved program.
Post 5 made on Sunday April 13, 2014 at 06:11
Long Time Member
April 2011
Which is the "backlight button" by the way???

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