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Nevl studio does not recognize my network adapter anymore?
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 17, 2010 at 08:18
Long Time Member
February 2004
Well this is a kick in the teeth i was close to finishing my project, when I noticed i could no longer connect to my media server, yet all my other devices could. So i checked and in nevo studio for the nevo sl, under tools and nevo network settings i cant select my adapter, and therefore their is no information in the ip adress, mac adress, default gateway. It used to show my network card from the drop down box, and the rest of it was automatic it would find my ip, mac, ect.. Now for the life of me i cant get it to recognize my network adapter, which is working fine, im using it to get on the internet, my nero media server also shows it is using it.

I really dont get why it cant see my network card all of a sudden, now nevo links is greyed out and I cant do anything.

My nevo sl however is interacting fine with the network, and the nevo link and recognizing it, it all stems from this computer, and nevo studio for some reason thinking their is no network card on here. Is their anything i can do here to fix this.

I tried uninstalling nevo studio and reinstall but nothing, right now im reinstalling service pack 3.

I just cant get over this stupid error came up now my project is on hold.

Can anyone please help.
Post 2 made on Sunday January 17, 2010 at 09:43
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
go into device manager and try uninstalling the network card.  then reboot the pc and it will automatically reinstall.  this might reset something that locked up in nevostudio
OP | Post 3 made on Monday January 18, 2010 at 11:10
Long Time Member
February 2004
Well Im going crazy here, wasted about 8 hours sunday trying to fix this problem, very infuriating. This is why some nevo support would be great, beyond the creators of nevo studio, i can be sure this problem goes way above an beyond an installers computer understanding, unless they know alot about computers.

Im just completely stumped, i dont know whats wrong. My nevo links are ghosted with some color around them meaning according to the design guide that it was assigned to a device but not recognized in the current session.

Basically im so lost. My nevo SL works great, it works great with my nevo link yet, i can still assign devices to the nevo link, everything works, nevo sl still sends commands, connects to the network.

The entire problem seems to be nevo studio does not think i have internet or a connection on my computer.

The problem then becomes since this is my media computer i cant stream media anymore. My nevo sl tries to connect to nevo media player but no luck. Then I go into nevo studio into network settings and theirs nothing, it used to list the following

"Realtek RTL8169/8110 Family Gigabit Ethernet NIC"

Now the drop down box has no choices for select network adapter, nearly everythings greyed out, the ip adress, subnet mask, dns, ect.. that used to all be auto entered when i selected my realtek ethernet in the network adapter box.

I uninstalled my network card in device manager, it says it uninstalled, when i reboot my pc, its back automatically, its just their again.

I thought maybe my computer is to blame, but my nero media server is still streaming media fine to my xbox 360, and ps3, and still sees my realtek ethernet nic.

Everything seems fine with my pc, my router, I dont know why nevo is not noticing my local area connection anymore. I checked the nevo whitepapers and did alot of reading today, and went through all the steps, nothing changed it.

The main thing they kept mentioning was that to ensure you have no other network adapters enabled, only one. I double checked, all i have is my wired connection enabled from my router which is what i always had enabled.  And since xbox 360 and ps3, still see my nero media server and stream music fine to them, i have to blame nevo studio for all of this.

If anyone has any idea, suggestions opinions, please, getting this server going took alot of my time this summer, and now it seems wrecked.

I reinstalled nevo studio, even did a full clean up with microsoft cleaning registry cleaner, then a new install, it still did not recognize my network adapter.

Please help!

OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday January 20, 2010 at 05:46
Long Time Member
February 2004
Does nevo have a cleaner?

I tried the software cd on my laptop, and it worked fine, so its not my network, since my laptop is also connected to it, and its not my pc, because nero is still seeing my realtek adapter and streaming music.

What i did notice is when doing a complete new install on my laptop, that my attempts at new installs on my pc are not working. For instance it asked me to register my product, on new installs on my pc it does not ask me that, it also asked on my laptop to connect my nevo to the pc to make sure active sync works, its not doing that either.

So its still has some info left on my pc, and i need to clean everything for it to work again. I tried ccleaner, registry cleaners, ect.. and it still on new installs knows i had a previous install, it even has my nevo files ready to go (I spent to much time on my project to delete the project files)

This is so annoying, does anyone know if they do have a cleaner, or where its storing information that i cant see?

This nevo software is driving me nuts, and only nevo programmers know how to to deal with issues like this and where nevo installs info i have to clean out, but their is no support. Going into this i knew they didnt give support, but i didnt expect software programming to to seemingly lock up my internet. I have no issues otherwise, everything with nevo connect, connecting to my router, ect.. all works great, this is a software programming issue.
Post 5 made on Wednesday January 20, 2010 at 08:02
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
 reload your OS on the pc that is giving you trouble.   either that or you could manually search your registry for Nevo entries and delete them one by one.
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday January 20, 2010 at 10:39
Long Time Member
February 2004
Well i did option 2, and it did work, it finally acted like it was a full new install, but once again when i selected network settings, it simply locked up, and when it finally was not locked up, it again showed nothing for a network adapter. Yet somehow im using my network adapter to post this.


So option two loading your os, can I do that without reformatting, im getting off topic, but i dont have a back up hard drive yet, so can you just reload windows?

I also updated my network drivers, which did not doing anything, im just stunned by this! Of all things that could go wrong.
Post 7 made on Thursday January 21, 2010 at 14:07
Long Time Member
October 2008
Make sure you are on the latest version of the firmware. Tools menu to Nevo SL Device Update Utility. Run through that and see what is tells you.

Take a look at all of the settings. Start with Nevo SL System settings and make sure wi-fi is enabled. Also on the Power Mgmt. tab make sure you have wi-fi set for "never" so it will always stay.

Within the remote settings make sure that wifi is enabled. Look around at the other settings within the remote and make sure the settings are enabled for wifi. Do a reset of the remote using the stylus near the power switch.

Then check Manage Nevo Network Settings in NS and see if your card is there. If it not there (which you have said) then maybe uninstall NevoStudio completely and re-install and then do a program update.

OP | Post 8 made on Friday January 22, 2010 at 06:11
Long Time Member
February 2004
Well I did all of the above, surprisingly nevo studio update was greyed out as well. The only way i could update was do a fresh install and during registration it said would you like to update, i said yes. I had the up to date version previously when all this mess happened. So it downloaded. Went back in of course everything was still greyed out, did not see my network adapter, under help i could not update nevo studio yet, even though during registration it just let me update and connect to nevo.

I opened up a ticket with nevo and they all said all they think is something is blocking nevo studio, i knew it was not because i monitor my computer closely, and know whats installed, whats being blocked and whats not.

Just to make sure if nevo studio was being blocked by another program, i renamed nevo studio. When i did and tried to load it something came up about me needing a liscence, and nevo studio in the windows environment. So i named it back to nevostudio.exe

And for whatever reason it worked, renaming it seemed to flush everything out or something, even though i deleted every mention of nevo in the registry ect.. previously.

The fix is as odd, as the error itself, which came out of nowehere.

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