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Nevo Connect and Velodyne sub
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 07:05
Lurking Member
January 2009
I have been running my Q50 and NC50 for just about year now, using IR and zwave to control a number of devices.

Recently i attempted to hookup an IR port on the back of the NC50 to my Velodyne sub. The IR commands from the Velodyne have been learned to the studio software via the Q50. I have also properly configured port 1 on the back of the NC50 as a "data out" port for the commands that were learned. I'm using a 25" stereo mini-plug to mini-plug connection to run from the NC50 to the IR port on the back of my Velodyne. Despite my efforts i am unable to get this working. Has anyone here successfully configured anything like this with a NC50/Velodyne ?

Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Post 2 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 13:09
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
a friend of mine at work has a velodyne sub and is having similar issues, he isnt using an NC50 so I suspect it is a code learning issue.  maybe the velodyne uses a toggle bit code structure and the nevo cannot properly learn it.  Ive been meaning to get over to his house and sort it out but havent gotten around to it.  

if it is toggle bit, you could try learning the same button twice.   the first time call it "volume up A"  then the 2nd time call it "volume up B"   then try putting both commands on a toggle button.    
Post 3 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 17:38
Long Time Member
October 2008
Do the IR commands work when sending them to the sub, via IR from the front of the Nevo remote? Check this first and see if the codes are ok. Assumes your sub will receive the IR commands via line-of-sight. To test this you will need to change the NC settings for the sub so the IR will go out of the Nevo remote and not through the NC.

But I think you have a few other things mixed up.

1) An IR port on your sub is not a data in port unless it is marked as RS-232. These are two very different things. It is likely an IR port for adding a remote receiver to it or if it is labeled as IR in, to possibly connect it to the NC via a direct wire like you are trying to do.

2) If you want to try and send the IR commands via the NC and down a wire, the mini plug needs to be a mono variety on the NC. Not certain what the sub wants for the mini plug. Why are you trying a stereo mini plug? Does the sub spec this? Mono is the best guess for the sub. For sure the NC wants a mono mini plug. IR emitters use mono mini plug on the NC.

3) Using a three-circuit (stereo) plug will not work even as a data out from the back of the NC. The NC wants a 4-conductor mini plug when using the NC port for RS-232 communication.


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