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Pronto NEO and an IR543: HowTo?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 13:06
No Longer Registered
I want to setup my NEO to controll my X10 stuff. I got a IR543 and connected it. Now how do I link the buttons I have created on my NEO to controll my lights?
Post 2 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 20:15
Founding Member
December 2001
On 01/01/02 13:06.06, ericsante said...
I want to setup my NEO to controll my X10 stuff.
I got a IR543 and connected it. Now how do I
link the buttons I have created on my NEO to controll
my lights?

I also have an IR543 but the NEO can not learn the IR codes from the IR543 unless there is a trick i don't know about.
Post 3 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 20:24
mason hatcher
Founding Member
July 2001
The IR543 does not transmit codes, just receives them. You will need an X10 remote that is set to transmit Ir and learn the commands into the Neo from the X10 remote.

Post back if you need more clarification.
Post 4 made on Tuesday January 1, 2002 at 23:35
Founding Member
January 2002
I am having the same problem with getting the Pronto Neo to learn the X-10 IR codes. I have an X-10 UR19A and also a UR24A SuperRemote from X-10 and the Pronto Neo fails to learn the codes. I tried a Pioneer learning remote and it will learn the codes from the X-10 remote but the Pronto Neo will not learn the codes from that remote either. Has anyone been able to get the Pronto Neo to learn the X-10 codes?
Post 5 made on Thursday January 3, 2002 at 01:53
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
I'm not famililar with those two X-10 remotes... do they transmit IR X-10 commands? Some do RF.
Post 6 made on Thursday January 3, 2002 at 19:54
Founding Member
December 2001
On 01/03/02 01:53.11, Daniel Tonks said...
I'm not famililar with those two X-10 remotes...
do they transmit IR X-10 commands? Some do RF.

the unit he's got does both via a setup command. i too cannot get the pronto to learn the IR x-10 commands.
Post 7 made on Thursday January 3, 2002 at 21:33
Mike Janke
Founding Member
December 2001
On 01/03/02 19:54.54, vanderwielen said...
the unit he's got does both via a setup command.
i too cannot get the pronto to learn the IR x-10

I have a UR24A and I can't find anything about being able to select RF or IR for X10 via a setup.

I guess there's not a downloadable IR543 configuration for the ProntoNeo like there is for the Pronto?
Post 8 made on Monday January 7, 2002 at 15:27
Founding Member
December 2001
Save yourselves lots of headaches, i just returned my neo and bought a new TSU 2000 + docking station from

Philips TSU2000 Learning TSU2000 $224.82
LCD TouchScreen Remote
with 2MB Flash Memory
Philips DS1000 Docking DS1000 $52.79
station Charger(for
Pronto TS1000)

Subtotal $277.61
Shipping $32.89
Tax $0.00
Total $310.50

Post 9 made on Tuesday January 8, 2002 at 00:40
Founding Member
January 2002
From what I understand - you need to purchase a remote that has the IR543 codes built in. I think that radio shack have them. Make sure that the remote is sending IR - not RF signals. The remote from send RF so the Neo nor the pronto can learn these codes. After you get the new remote set up for the IR543 use the Neo to learn them too. The Neo is very touchy when it comes to learning IR codes as I have found with the replay remote. But with a litte patience it should work. I keep you posted on my progress - I plan on working on this this weekend if I can locate the parts I need by then.
Post 10 made on Tuesday January 8, 2002 at 00:56
Founding Member
January 2002
Here's some more info from [Link:]

The IR543 and IR543AH has a predetermined set of IR codes, just like your TV or VCR, so the remote will need to learn the IR543's or IR543AH's codes. There are a number of inexpensive remotes which come pre-programmed with the IR543's codes which makes programming your learning remote as easy as programming the remote to control any other device. The IR543AH's codes, however, are not available on off-the-shelf universal remotes so you'll need a computer programmable remote such as the Phillips Pronto. See the IR543AH section for more specific information.

How do I program my remote?
This depends on which transceiver you use and is addressed in detail in each transceiver's section.

The IR543 is supported by many off the shelf remotes and configuration files are available for download for the computer programmable remotes.

The IR543AH is NOT supported by any off the shelf remotes so you must have a computer programmable remote, or at least access to such a remote, which can then be used to teach your learning remote.

Remote Compatibility:
The IR543 and IR543AH require specific IR codes. Many universal remotes come pre-programmed with the IR543 codes but that isn't the case for the IR543AH. The HAN-01 and Ocelot learn any IR codes so compatibility is not an issue.

Post 11 made on Tuesday January 8, 2002 at 01:09
Founding Member
January 2002
Even more info:

Then UR19A remote sends RF not IR codes - that's why the Neo can't learn from it. The PUR08 looks like it will work with the Neo - I think this one does the IR comands to work with the IR543. - I'll email 'em and find out for sure though.

The PURO8 is a Universal Learning Remote with X-10 control of lights and appliances. Features backlit keys and a standard code library in addition to the capability to learn new IR codes from other remotes. Mode buttons include TV, VCR, CBL, CD, AUX1, AUX2, SAT and X-10

You can find this here [Link:]

along with the IR543 - you can get both for under 50 bucks too!

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