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ProntoNeo RU930 UK TV Logos
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Post 1 made on Wednesday January 17, 2007 at 10:45
Jason Muddeman
Lurking Member
January 2007
My partner bought me the ProntoNeo RU930 for x-mas because she was fed up with all the remotes. Since being given this remote I have been designated with programming it to our devices. I wanted to make this custom built using the UK TV Logos with my 3view box. The problem is all of the .ncf files available to downoad that have the UK TV logos 1. Doesn't have all of the channels and 2. The ones i had put onto my prontoNeo I found them to be very faded. I have tryed myself to change the logos from colour to black and white and resize to suit but this is a very slow and painfull process. I was wondering if anyone has the logos to send me or explain a different way to do this. Many Thanks

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