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MX-350: I cant hide items on the main pages
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Saturday September 3, 2005 at 14:04
Lurking Member
September 2005
I'm installing a really simple sytem that only has 2 source devices and I want to setup a couple of simple macro's on main page 2. Do I need to erase the items on main page 2 or can I hide them. I tried to hide them and it does nothing. They still appear just like normal....

Thanks in advance,

Post 2 made on Saturday September 3, 2005 at 23:29
Tom Ciaramitaro
Loyal Member
May 2002
Go into the text editing mode and erase all the text if you don't want to see it.

I did that with all devices except TV, Audio and Cable. That's my starting point with a 350. I clone the same setup to any others I get and the clutter is not a problem that way.
There is no truth anymore. Only assertions. The internet world has no interest in truth, only vindication for preconceived assumptions.
Post 3 made on Thursday September 8, 2005 at 10:27
Long Time Member
December 2004
Right, and hide all the pages in those devices so they don't show up even if the user presses the button you hid the text on.

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