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PSM - Preferred Shipping Methods
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Post 1 made on Saturday May 20, 2006 at 10:30
Jay In Chicago
Founding Member
December 2001

So what's your PSM for the individual shipper that doesn't do enough shipping to justify home pickup for a delivery?

I always use USPS because it's so convenient, but what about my local shops that do UPS, FedEx, DHL, and all the others?

Do you use who's closest? Is one less money then the other?

Is there a rule of thumb you follow when packages are a certain size or weight as to ho you might ship it?

I'm not talking about international, but a little info is always good.

I have experience with all shippers over the years, but never noticed any significant advantages or disadvantages to the shipper?

Any packaging ideas? Where to best find boxes? Whatever.

I can tell you they charge too much for cardboard boxes in the stores, but that's no news flash ... some are pretty decent quality.
Jet Rack ... It's what's for breakfast
Post 2 made on Thursday May 25, 2006 at 21:06
Long Time Member
October 2003
I am in a similar situation as you, however I work out of my home. USPS often, and UPS the other times. UPS is convenvient since you can do all the paperwork on line, slap the address tag on the box and drop it off anywhere UPS stops. Often, If I am expecting a UPS package, I have the outgoing ready and my driver picks it up. If I don't think the UPS guy will stop, there is a PostNet, UPS drop box and UPS store within 5 miles from me.

I know with my AMEX card, we get a discount when we ship FedEx and pay via AMEX.

I keep a couple rather large boxes (30x30x30) in my basement that I keep filed with peanuts & packing bags / bubble wrap from any incoming shipments.

I don't have a good source for boxes. I've ordered shrink wrap supplies from some online sites, and I believe their box rates were pretty decent... Search Google for "Packing boxes" or similar. One site is:

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