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Powerline Control Systems (PCS) UPB /w iPronto
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Post 1 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 22:55
Long Time Member
October 2004
Is anyone using Powerline Control Systems (PCS) UPB technology with their iPronto? I plan to go full boar with UPB light switches and AC plugs. I need to know if there’s a device/interface for converting iPronto IR signals to control UPB devices. In PCS’ documentation, I've read about a "WMC6" that "has an Infrared (IR) Remote Receiver that it uses to receive Infrared messages from an (optional) IR Remote Control."

I cannot locate purchase information on this product. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday January 11, 2005 at 13:57
Long Time Member
October 2004
Found the answer. Apparently, the IR receiver on the "WMC6" is, much like some of the features on the iPronto, a "future feature".

If anyone knows of a way to allow an iPronto to interface with the PCS's BPB devices. Lemme know. Thanks.

Post 3 made on Wednesday January 19, 2005 at 13:25
Alan Lindsay
Lurking Member
August 2004
Not sure about this, but you might try interfacing a product from xantech that converts IR to RS 232 ( model IRS232A). That unit might then feed RS 232 commands to the UPB powerline interface that would normally be installed between a PC and the A.C. You would use Xantech IR commands to initiate a corresonding RS 232 string to control the UPB lighting gear. This might be limited by the number of RS 232 commands that the xantech unit can generate and/or the number of ir commands it can accept. I believe one IRS232A can execute a maximum 32 strings based on 32 discrete IR commands.
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday January 20, 2005 at 14:27
Long Time Member
October 2004
Thanks Alan,

I contacted the folks at Xantech to see if the theory would work and a very competant tech explained that it should work along with the purchase of their RC68+ Programmer.

I asked if anyone, in his experience, has put together a similar UPB set up using these products. Not in his experience, no. I love the UPB technology, it's been working flawlessly in my home. We should be hearing a lot more about it as Powerline Control Systems develops more products that make it eaiser to integrate the iPronto (or wireless tech in gen.)

Thanks again for your insight.

Post 5 made on Thursday January 20, 2005 at 16:36
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
Get a real cheap PC and you cand do the job. The PC would receive IR from the iPronto. The PC would then drive what ever it is you want to drive. My entire Home Theater works this way. I chose to use a single protocol in the iPronto and built (have a program that does that) all of the necessary "Paste files" in standard ipronto notation to paste into the iPronto. I use the standard NEC IR protocol which is very popular. The reason i chose it is because there is an inexpensive receiver (about $40) that fully decodes NEC protocol into ASCII giving the device code (up to 16K devices) and the key code up to 128 keys. There is no pattern matching invoilved as required with some more general (multi protocol) IR receivers.

On the outbound (RS232 side) you migh have to write some code. I already have all of the code done for what is called the CM11A powerline contoller wgich might work fine for your UP8. The CM11A is an X10 protocol device.

I am in the process of just packaging up the program for distribution (beta version). it includes a full language for logic (if then else, case, and subroutines). Based upon the IR received it executes a program that is written in the simple language and issues either X10 commands through the CM11A, IR commands through a Nirvis Slinke, or RS232 commands out an available Serial port or ports.

If you are interested in this approach i suggested reviewing the information at my web site ( and/or drop me a line at [email protected].

It has been working for over three years in my HT.

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