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hold projector "Power" 2 seconds for macro command?
This thread has 20 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 21.
OP | Post 16 made on Tuesday April 6, 2004 at 07:18
Lurking Member
December 2003
Thank you Barry, Kees, Andrew and others!

Barry, the Plus Projector's "Power" button command was originally taken from the IR database on the RC. After it didn't work, I Learned the command from the original remote. When i later viewed the learned action code, it said "Learned IR" in the command box and when checked in the editing box code read as follow:

900A 006D 0000 0001 8615 14EB.

To check for cleanliness, I made, and will check tomorrow, a test "power" key with cleared data so to just learn "power" command from original remote for accurate reading. Will try that among other things at customers house.

I did review yours and others files as suggested on decoding hex, ir, timing etc.. Though all are great contributions and I really want to expand my knowledge in this field, and not to forget make my one press Macro "All On" work, but my anxiety level started to rise somewhere in that hex timiing 0's and 1's decoding calculation seminar. I think I would rather try to land the Space Shuttle at a minute before splashdown, with the only instructions coming from an old Apollo Mission's Manual that happened to be floating around the cabin than trying to comprehend, calibrate and impliment and execute timed hex decoding sequences. I felt like i was living a scene from the movie "A Beautiful Mind".
I will try to make another stab at it in the near future so to get the "whole picture" and maybe it will look more familiar a second third time around. There certainly was alot of valuable, seemingly 'CONFIDENTIAL', information there that will come in handy in the future. I appreciate your helpful guidance leading me there...I will drink there later.

For now, I did try your modified "curtains open" command:
"Here it is 4 times as long
0000 006B 0000 0048 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 004C 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 0028 0012 0028 0012 0028 0025 0015 0012 01F5 "

No matter how I tried this 4x sequence, either by itself, repeated 10 or 25 times with or wothout delays before and after command the curtains only nudged open and then stopped, nudge and then stop depending on how mant conscecutive "4x sequences" i placed in series. If placed 2 "4x sequence" commands in series curtains start and stop 2 times in a split second. Though annoying, it would eventually jerk its way open (and that my be an option for the client) if given enough commands.
I did follow you with the 'add 12 to the 4th set for every repeated group of 36 that followed. Once in the editing ir position, I tried 0120 as 4th group and repeated the 36 series 10 times. Then pressed "ok" buttton to add, it came back saying not a valid rc code thus not entering. it seems no sequence above your 4x (0048) could even be edited or added in. 1, 2 and 3xs were ok just nothing over 4. I could be wrong but checked it several times.
One other thing to note, when you use the rc own database for button's 'command' selection under each device mine never has any codes when checked under the corresponding window. Is this correct? I suspect only learned codes will show up in that box.
Thank all for continuous help. I will check somemore of your ideals and suggestions tomorrow. Hopefully client will have his computer ready at site so to download rc icf.. This back and forth is killing me.
Also ask for and received some codes from manufacturer. Besides not knowing what to make of them (I know go back and read hex files), there wasn't any codes for the "power" button.
Oh well, I got other issues......popcorn
Post 17 made on Tuesday April 6, 2004 at 10:31
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
I would be curious if you could get 5 or 6 repeats to work. The only other item I can suggest is as follows. If you want to "macro together" sequences of the repetition, then the very last byte should be lowered in value, but I don't know how much. the problem is it partially controls the time spacing between the end of the sequence and teh start of the next. Within the sequence it is very accurate, between macro sequences it is inaccurate in that the time it takes the iPronto to do the "next macro" stuff has to be added in.

With regard to the learned commands, the iPronto will use the short notation for a learned command if it recognizes the command.

Let me know how you make out. Perhaps it would be better to take this off line. eMail me at [email protected].
Post 18 made on Tuesday April 20, 2004 at 14:43
Andrew Dade
Long Time Member
March 2004
As seen in the pronto FAQ on this site, not been able to try it with my ipronto, but looks like a "dirty" and good way of getting it to work......

B8-03 How can I get the Pronto to "hold" a button for several seconds in a macro?
Basically, there is no particularly easy way. However, a workaround is available that involves splitting the signal up (thanks to Eric Johnson):

Learn the desired button by briefly tapping it on the original remote. Do not hold down the button as is generally recommended.

Learn the same signal a second time – but this time start pressing the button on your original remote before pointing it at the Pronto/RC5000. Then, while continuing to hold the button, have the Pronto to learn the signal and wait until it is finished. I recommend the "duck blind" method for this. That way, the Pronto will learn the repeat portion of the signal, but not the preamble.

Create a macro that looks like this:
[C] Signal Beginning
[C] Signal Repeat
[C] Signal Repeat
[C] Signal Repeat
[C] Signal Repeat

Add the signal repeat command as many time as is required to reach the desired transmission time. Quite a few repeats may be required.

Post 19 made on Tuesday April 20, 2004 at 14:57
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
ANDRE DADE HAS YOUR ANSWER! And much to my chagrin, when I first ran across this problem with a TS1000, Daniel pointed out that it was in the FAQs.

I have implemented that method a couple of times. The first was with a JVC projector that required a 2 second button hold. I used one initial sequence followed by 11 repetitions of the repeating sequence.

Why is this different from the other things mentioned above? The initial command has some kind of ID in it to tell the unit that this is the beginning of a command. The repeating parts do not. If you just put the initial part in as a macro, over and over, the unit will not see a long command, it will see several short commands. When you string together one initial part with several repeating parts, then it looks like a button being held down.

DISAPPOINTING -- I have read that this does not work with the 7000 because that remote inserts its own delays, which cannot be removed, between commands, so the unit will not see such a macro as a long command, but as one short beginning and many incomplete commands, all separate from one another.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
Post 20 made on Thursday April 22, 2004 at 14:49
Andrew Dade
Long Time Member
March 2004
have you tried it with the ipronto ? Does it work ?

(Mine is currently out of action...)
Post 21 made on Tuesday November 23, 2004 at 13:08
Chris Horka
Long Time Member
December 2003
Thanks for the tip on extending 'key presses', it got me out of a jam with my DVD!
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