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iPronto netX
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 3, 2004 at 12:25
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
I am considering an iPronto. My Home theater is controlled by a ProntoPro sending IR to a PC, the PC then sending the proper IR command (or RS232 control sequences) to the A/V component. All logic is in the PC. The ProntoPro always sends NEC format IR which is very reliable.

I would want to do the same with the iPronto but using 802 to talk to the PC (It is on a wifi network) and just sending the PC simple commands in any reasonable format.

Does anyone know if this can be done (without the netX device), since I want the PC to act as the netX device. Can a "button" be configured to send via TCP/IP or UDP over wifi a simple command. It obviously does that (or something similar like sending the IR stream) to the netx device. Does anyone have the protocol for the IP transmissions between the iPronto and the netX?
Post 2 made on Saturday January 3, 2004 at 17:17
Ultimate Member
May 2001
the iPronto has a web browser. So if you build a web interface on the PC you should be able to control it using 802

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