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Logitech harmony Elite with Panasonic ub420 Blu ray player
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Post 1 made on Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 14:04
Junior Member
November 2022
U set an activity for a client "watch blu ray" on the remote, which works fine for the most part. The activity turns on the blu ray player, the tv, and the home theater receiver, as well as setting the correct inputs.

Everything works as expected, however, if the harmony remote thinks the blu ray player is OFF when it's actually ON or vise versa then my client is having a hard time remedying that situation. I've showed them how to fix it a few times already but it's still frustrating to them.

Many TV sets have a separate ON and OFF button rather than just a toggle button for power. Does anyone know of any blu ray players that have separate ON OFF buttons. I think this would be an easy fix for this situation. Thanks
Post 2 made on Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 22:51
Super Member
May 2003
It is common for a PLAY command to turn ON a player. An absolute power down sequence then becomes PLAY, POWER. You may need to insert a delay or some nonsense commands between PLAY and POWER.

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