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Harmony Hub & Companion - Tivo power cycle issues
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Post 1 made on Monday September 2, 2019 at 18:04
Long Time Member
January 2003
I recently bought the hub and companion. I have a major issue that never occurred with my other Harmony remotes. I have a TiVo Premiere for my cable tv feed. When leaving a "watching cable tv" activity to watch a DVD for example a power command appears to be sent to the box. The Tivo box and remote have no power toggle or on/off buttons. It is always meant to be powered on unless unplugged. However, I see the green ready light disappear when switching to my disc player.

I found the pointless power toggle command under the Tivo device on the Harmony app. Is there anyway to prevent this nonsense? I don't get how this is happening now but never did with my other remotes.

I suppose I could try to add an additional Start-up command to follow the Power Down command when the End activity completes. However, what happens if there is a recording in progress? This is a very real problem for me. Any suggestions out there?
Post 2 made on Friday September 13, 2019 at 08:34
Loyal Member
September 2004
In MyHarmony, go to Devices, click on the Tivo and look for Change Device Settings. Look for Power Settings (at the top) and make the appropriate change. Are you using the Help button? If not, use it.
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
Post 3 made on Thursday October 17, 2019 at 16:54
Lurking Member
May 2004
I know this response is a month old, but Premier and newer TiVos do actually have a manual power down state where the system is inactive unless a recording is in progress or scheduled (so you can't skip backwards 30 minute from when you turned it back on, which is the only disadvantage I'm aware of). Roamio actually has selectable power saving. It will not affect scheduled recordings, and IMO is a worthwhile thing to keep enabled.

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