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Generic hdmi switch need someway of switch inputs using a Harmony 650
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 15, 2017 at 21:13
Lurking Member
February 2017
I have as generic 3 port hdmi switch being used to control a foxtel IQ2 cable box and a Sony bluray dvd player with netflix. Both hdmi outputs are connected to the switch.
When I select "watch tv" on the remote it should select port 1 but it does not switch over, if I go into "Devices " and select hdmi switch then select input1 it will switch over.
Does anyone know how to program a generic hdmi switch to switch over when I select an Activity.
Post 2 made on Sunday March 12, 2017 at 13:35
Loyal Member
September 2004
On February 15, 2017 at 21:13, Zeppu said...
I have as generic 3 port hdmi switch being used to control a foxtel IQ2 cable box and a Sony bluray dvd player with netflix. Both hdmi outputs are connected to the switch.
When I select "watch tv" on the remote it should select port 1 but it does not switch over, if I go into "Devices " and select hdmi switch then select input1 it will switch over.
Does anyone know how to program a generic hdmi switch to switch over when I select an Activity.

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