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Need MyHarmony for 8 devices, but it won't sync my 650
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Post 1 made on Friday August 19, 2016 at 09:34
Lurking Member
February 2009
I currently have a Harmony 650, new enough to handle 8 devices, and earlier tonight, all eight devices were happily in use. I did replace a satellite receiver, so I needed to swap out the old and configure the new. I tried the Logitech Harmony Remote Software 7.7.0, but it is convinced that the 650 can only handle five devices. So I downloaded and tried the MyHarmony It seemed happy to configure 8 devices and was able to do the swap and let me add an activity for the new receiver. But when I asked it to sync, it got partway through and stopped. I tried booting the remote into Safe mode (pulling a battery and holding the Off button while reinserting it), but there was no difference.

I then created a new account with a different e-mail, but made the mistake of copying settings from my old account. That looked good until I tried to sync, and I had the same issue. Worse, I have no idea how to start over from scratch, as I jump straight into that same set of data when I log in.

I know that trying to control the remote with two different pieces of software was probably not a great thing, but I am surprised that I am so stuck now. What's a way out?

Rob T
Post 2 made on Saturday October 29, 2016 at 11:42
Loyal Member
September 2004
On August 19, 2016 at 09:34, rthurlow said...
I currently have a Harmony 650, new enough to handle 8 devices, and earlier tonight, all eight devices were happily in use. I did replace a satellite receiver, so I needed to swap out the old and configure the new. I tried the Logitech Harmony Remote Software 7.7.0, but it is convinced that the 650 can only handle five devices. So I downloaded and tried the MyHarmony It seemed happy to configure 8 devices and was able to do the swap and let me add an activity for the new receiver. But when I asked it to sync, it got partway through and stopped. I tried booting the remote into Safe mode (pulling a battery and holding the Off button while reinserting it), but there was no difference.

I then created a new account with a different e-mail, but made the mistake of copying settings from my old account. That looked good until I tried to sync, and I had the same issue. Worse, I have no idea how to start over from scratch, as I jump straight into that same set of data when I log in.

I know that trying to control the remote with two different pieces of software was probably not a great thing, but I am surprised that I am so stuck now. What's a way out?

Rob T

Did it work until you added a new device? Did you delete the old Satellite receiver? Try deleting the newest device in the cloned setup and see if it will synch- if it does, you may need to delete and re-add that device.
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

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