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Harmony Remote Differences
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 18, 2015 at 09:04
Long Time Member
February 2004
I am looking at replacing my Harmony One because I now have a need for RF control. I have it narrowed down to (2) Harmony's. The Harmony Ultimate Home (915-000237) & the Harmony Ultimate (996-000120). There are a lot of bad reviews on Amazon on both, but nowhere does anyone talk about the differences. They both seem to control up to (15) devices, they both have a cell phone app & they both seem to be RF capable & have a Hub that comes with each. The Ultimate Home is the only one still shown on Logitech's website, so could it be that the Ultimate is simply a previous model? Any help here will be greatly appreciated so I can pull the trigger on getting one coming.
The optimist claims the glass is half full; the pessimist claims it is half empty. An engineer observes that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Post 2 made on Monday July 20, 2015 at 15:06
Active Member
December 2002
They are identical now. The old Ultimate is a previous model and used to lack the ability to control home automation devices like the "Home" model. But they have since added that capability to all Ultimate hub based remotes via a firmware update. Sounds like you aren't doing any home automation anyway (lights, thermostats, security systems, etc.). If your old One has a swollen battery, Logitech may replace it with an Ultimate for free.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday July 25, 2015 at 12:59
Long Time Member
February 2004
On July 20, 2015 at 15:06, mdavej said...
They are identical now. The old Ultimate is a previous model and used to lack the ability to control home automation devices like the "Home" model. But they have since added that capability to all Ultimate hub based remotes via a firmware update. Sounds like you aren't doing any home automation anyway (lights, thermostats, security systems, etc.). If your old One has a swollen battery, Logitech may replace it with an Ultimate for free.

Not sure what you mean by swollen battery. There may be a meaning there I'm missing, but if not, again, the only reason I need to replace the Harmony One is because of it's lack of RF capabilities. Plus it has started to become sluggish.
The optimist claims the glass is half full; the pessimist claims it is half empty. An engineer observes that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Post 4 made on Monday July 27, 2015 at 12:06
Active Member
December 2002
Swollen means the battery has degraded and increased in size to the point it cannot be removed. This is considered a safety hazard. So Logitech will replace the entire remote even though it is out of warranty.

Remotes don't become sluggish due to wear or age. Something else is causing that.

Replace it for whatever reason you want. I was just suggesting the free option in case you weren't aware. If you like spending $300 on remotes, knock yourself out.
Post 5 made on Friday January 5, 2018 at 14:48
Lurking Member
January 2018
What contact method is used to try for a replacement? I also have a One and it is not only getting sluggish, the remote lights no longer come on from when it is aspleep when I move it around. I have to make circles with it and move it all around. Annoying.

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